practice of mindfulness unveils and reveals your essential Good Heart,
because it dissolves and removes the unkindness or the harm in you. Only
when you have removed the harm in yourself do you become truly useful
to others. Through the practice, by slowly removing the unkindness and
harm from yourself, you allow your true Good Heart, the fundamental
goodness and kindness that are your real nature, to shine out and become
the warm climate in which your true being flowers.
This is why I call meditation the true practice of peace, the true practice of nonaggression and nonviolence, and the real and greatest disarmament.
—Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, chapter 5
This is why I call meditation the true practice of peace, the true practice of nonaggression and nonviolence, and the real and greatest disarmament.
—Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, chapter 5