a glossary of
grammatical terminology, definitions and examples - sounds and literary effects
in language, speaking, writing, poetry..
This glossary of linguistics, literary and grammatical terms is aimed to be
helpful for writers, speakers, teachers and communicators of all sorts, in
addition to students and teachers of the English language
1. to understand the different effects of written and spoken language -
what they are called, from a technical or study standpoint,
2. to develop variety, sensitivity, style and effectiveness in your own use
of language - written and spoken - for all sorts of communications, whatever
your purposes, and
3. to improve understanding and interpretation of the meaning of words without having to look them up in a dictionary.
There are very many different effects
of written and spoken language. Most people know what an acronym is, or apalindrome. But what is a glottal stop? What is a tautology, or a gerund? What is alliteration and onomatopoeia? What are the
meanings of prefixes, such as hypo/hyper and meta, and suffixes such as ology and logue?
Words alone convey quite basic meaning.
Far more feeling and mood is conveyed in the way that words are put together
and pronounced - whether for inspiration, motivation, amusement, leadership,
persuasion, justification, clarification or any other purpose.
The way we use language - in addition to the language we use - is crucial for effective communications and understanding.
The way others use
language gives us major insights as to motives,
personalities, needs, etc.
The study and awareness of linguistics helps
us to know ourselves and others - why we speak and write in different ways; how
language develops; and how so many words and ways of speaking from different
languages share the same roots and origins.
Also, our technical appreciation of
language is a big help to understanding language more widely, and particularly
word meanings that we might not have encountered before.
For example why is a prefix so significant in language? And a suffix?
Knowing these and many other aspects of
linguistics can dramatically assist our overall understanding of language,
including new words, even foreign words, which we might never have seen before.
Some of these language terms and
effects are vital for good communications. Others are not essential, but
certainly help to make language and communications more interesting, textured
and alive - and when language does this, it captivates, entertains and moves
audiences more, which is definitely important for professional communicators.
Note that many of these words have
meanings outside of language and grammar, and those alternative non-linguistic
definitions are generally not included in this glossary.
listing of terms for
grammatical, literary, language, vocal and written effects
a - the word 'a' is
grammatically/technically 'the indefinite article' (compared with the word 'the', which is 'the definite
article') - for example 'A bird fell out of the sky', or 'Muddy children need a
bath'. This use of the word a is derived from old English 'an', which is a
version of 'one'.
A - usually
capitalized, 'A' is a common substitute word or 'placeholder name' used where the speaker/writer finds it easier not to use the actual
word/words, for example and especially in phrases such as 'My car simply gets
me from A to B', or 'Tit-for-tat is when person A hits person B, and so person
B hits person A in return', or 'Woman A has been married for 5 years; woman B
has been...'
a- - the letter 'a' is prefix, with various meanings,
seen in different stages of word development from various languages, notably
including the meanings: 'to', 'towards', 'on', 'at', 'of', or to express
intensity, or being in a state of.., etc., for example afoot, awake, accursed,
abreast, ajar, announce, etc. Not all words which begin with 'a' are using the
'a' prefix in this way.
abbreviation - a shortened word or phrase. This can
be done by various methods, notably:
using the initial letter(s) of a
multi-word name or phrase - for example, BBC for British Broadcasting Corporation,
or SA for South Africa, or ATM for automated teller machine, TV for television,
CD for compact disc; or LOL for laughing out loud or SWALK for sealed with a
loving kiss, (the latter two also technically being acronyms).
omitting some or all the vowels of the
word or words - for example, Rd for Road, or St for Street, or Saint, or Dr
instead of Doctor, or Mr instead of Mister, or Sgt instead of Sergeant,
omitting and/or replacing letters which
best enable those remaining to convey the full word, often also for euphonic
reasons (i.e., the sound is pleasing to speak/hear) or otherwise clever
phonetically (how it sounds), or clever visually
- for example: bike for bicycle, or fridge
for refrigerator, or pram for perambulator (perambulate means walk,
formally or amusingly), or BBQ for barbecue, or SFX for sound effects - and in
more recent years especially in electronic messaging using mixtures of letters
and numbers, such as L8 for late, GR8 for great, 2 meaning to/too, B4 for
before, etc.
omitting the beginning of a word or
words - for example phone for telephone.
omitting a word-ending or phrase-ending
- for example doc for doctor, amp for amplifier or ampere, artic for
articulated lorry, or op for operation, or zoo for zoological garden.
combining parts of two words to form a
new word, usually being a blended meaning as well as a blended word, also
called a portmanteau word - for example brunch for breakfast, and smog for smoke and fog.
Portmanteau words are not commonly regarded as abbreviations, but they
certainly are.
Many abbreviations, after widespread
and popular adoption, become listed in dictionaries as new words in their own
right. The full original versions of many such abbreviations become forgotten,
so that they are not generally regarded as abbreviations (for example the words
zoo, taxi, phone).
acronym - an existing or new word that is spelt from
the initial letters, in correct order, of the words of a phrase or word-series,
for example NIMBY (Not In My Back-Yard) and SCUBA (Self-Contained Underwater
Breathing Apparatus). Technically an acronym should be a real word or a new
'word' that is capable of pronunciation, otherwise it's merely an abbreviation. By definition, all
acronyms are also abbreviations. Also technically an acronym should be formed
from the initial letter of all words in the phrase or word-series. Commonly the
rules are bent when acronyms are formed using the first and second letters (or
more) from component words, and/or when words such as 'to' and 'the' and 'of'
in the phrase or word-series do not contribute to the acronym, for example
LASER (Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation). An acronym
that is devised in reverse (i.e., its full meaning/interpretation refers
directly or indirectly alludes to the abbreviated form) is called a bacronym,
or backronym, or reverse acronym, for example CRAP (Chronologically
Ascending Random Pile), and DIARRHOEA (Dash In A Real Rush, Hurry Or Else
Accident). See lots of useful and amusing acronyms and bacronyms.
acrostic - a puzzle or construction or cryptic
message in which usually the first or last letters of lines of text, or
possibly other individual letters from each line, spell something vertically,
or less commonly diagonally, downwards, or upwards. From French acrostiche, and
Greek akrostikhis, and the root Greek words akro, meaning end, and stikhos,
meaning a row or line of verse. A notable and entertaining example of the use
of acrostics in cryptic messaging is the case of British journalist Stephen
Pollard, who reportedly registered his feelings about Richard Desmond's 2001
acquisition of his employer, the Daily Express, by spelling the words
acrostically: 'F*** you Desmond', using the first letter of the sentences in
his final lead article for the paper.
accent - accent refers to a distinctive way of pronouncing words, language or
letter-sounds, typically which arise in regional and national language
differences or vernacular. For example 'an
Australian accent'. Accent also refers to types of diacritical marks inserted above certain letters in certain words to alter letter sound,
for example in the word café. Accent may refer more generally to the mood or tone of speech or writing,
or technically to emphasis in poetry, and also to musical emphasis, from where
the word derives. The origins of the word accent are from Latin, accentus,
tone/signal/intensity, from ad cantus, 'to' and 'song'.
active - in grammar, applying to a verb's diathesis/voice, active (contrasting with
its opposite 'passive') generally means that the subject is performing the action (to an object) - for example, 'The chef
(subject) cooked (verb) dinner' (object)', (active voice/diathesis), rather
than passive voice/diathesis: 'Dinner (object) was cooked (verb) by the chef'
(subject), (passive voice/diathesis).
adjective - a 'describing word' for a noun - for example big,
small, red, yellow, fast, slow, peaceful, angry, high, low, first, last,
dangerous, heart-warming, tender, brave, silly, smelly, sticky, universal..
There are tens of thousands of others, perhaps hundreds of thousands. A
'sister' term isadverb,
adverb - a word which describes a verb - for example
quickly, slowly, peacefully, dangerously, heart-warmingly, bravely, stickily,
-age - a common suffix added to word stems to create a noun, especially referring to the result
of an action/verb, typically collective or plural noun that expresses a
potential to be measurable, for example: wreckage, spillage; wastage, leverage,
haulage, blockage, etc. Coin is extended to coinage, to produce a
collective/plural noun from a singular noun. Out is extended to outage to
produce a noun from a preposition.
allegory - a story or poem or other creative work which carries and conveys a
hidden or underlying meaning, typically of a moral or philosophical nature.
Originally from Greek, allos, other, and agoria, speaking. Allegorical refers
to a work of this sort.
alliteration - where two or more words that are adjacent or close together begin with
or feature strongly the same letters or sounds, for example, 'double-trouble
bubbling under', or 'big black beanbag', or 'Zambia zoo's amazing zig-zagging
zebras'. Alliteration is commonly used in poetry and other forms of writing
which seeks to entertain or please people. This is because alliteration itself
is a pleasing, almost musical, way of constructing words, both to speak and to
hear. Shakespeare used alliteration a great deal in his plays and other works,
as have most other great writers throughout history. Where alliteration
involves repetition of syllables and prolonged sounds, rather than merely
single consonants or vowel sounds, it may also be defined as reduplication.
allonym - this is a pseudonym which is actually a real name - specifically applying to 'ghostwriting'
(where a professional writer writes a book or a newspaper article, etc., by
agreement from the person whose name is being used to 'front' the piece) - an
allonym also technically refers to the illicit use of another person's name in
creating work which purports to be written by the named author, rather like a
forger in art.
allophone - in grammar an allophone refers to variant of a single sound (a phoneme) which is pronounced
slightly differently to another variant. Examples of allophones are the
different 'p' sounds in 'spin' and 'pin', and the different 't' sounds in
'table' and 'stab'. Commonly the differences between allophones so slight that
most people are unaware of them and would consider the sounds to be identical.
The word derives from Greek 'allos' meaning other.
alphagram - an anagram (although not necessarily a meaningful or even pronounceable word, as
usually defined by the word anagram) in which the letters of the new word or
phrase are in alphabetical order, such as the anagram 'a belt' for the source
word 'table'.
alphastratocus - the @ symbol - more commonly called the asperand.
ampersand - the 'and sign' (&). The word
ampersand is a distorted derivation from 'and per se'. The symbol is a
combination of the letters E and T, being the Latin word 'et' meaning 'and'.
More detail about the ampersand origins.
anagram - a word or phrase created by rearranging the letters of a word or name
or phrase, such as pea for ape, or teats for state. An anagram is more
impressive when the new word/phrase cleverly or humorously relates to the
source word/phrase, for example 'twelve plus one', is an anagram of 'eleven
plus two', or the often-quoted 'dirty room' is an anagram of 'dormitory', and
'here come dots' is an anagram of 'the morse code'.
analogy/analogous/analogue - refers to a comparison between two similar things, in a way as to
clarify their differences, similarities, and their individual natures. As a
communications concept, especially in learning/teaching, the use of analogies
(which are similar to and encompass metaphorsand similes, extending to stories and fables, etc) is extremely powerful. The use of analogies is
also beneficial for memory and information retention. The word analogue refers
a corresponding thing, and is used traditionally in describing technologies
which replicate/record/measure things using mechanical means, as distinct from
more modern electronic/digital methods, for example in describing types of
watches, audio-recorders and players, etc. The words are from Greek 'analogos'
- ana, 'according to', and logos, 'ratio'.
ananym - a type of anagrammatic word created by reversing the spelling of another word - for example
Trebor, the confectionery company. Sadly it is difficult to find any other
examples that are not scientifically or otherwise so obscure as to be utterly
unremarkable. You will perhaps be able to invent better ones yourself.
anaphor - a word or phrase that
refers to and replaces another word, or series of words, used earlier in a
passage or sentence - for example: "I looked in the old cupboard in the
bedroom at the top of the stairs but it was empty.." - here 'it' is the
anaphor for 'the old cupboard in the bedroom at the top of the stairs'. Another
example is "I will eat, go for a walk, then sit in the garden; do you want
to do this too?.." - here 'this' is an anaphor for 'eat, go for a walk,
then sit in the garden'. A simpler example is "John woke; he rubbed his
eyes.." - here 'he' is an anaphor for John. An anaphor is generally used
to save time and avoid unwanted repetition. See cataphor, where the replacement
word precedes a later word.
anaphora - this has two (confusingly somewhat opposite) meanings, which probably
stems from its Greek origin, meaning repetition. Firstly, simply, anaphora is
the action of using an anaphor (a replacement word such as it, he, she, etc) in referring to a previous
word or phrase, to avoid repetition and to save time. Secondly, and rather
differently, anaphora refers to the intentional use of repetition, specifically
a writing/speaking technique inrhetoric, where repetition of a
word or phrase is used for impact at the beginning of successive sentences or
passages. For example: "People need clothes. People need shelter. People
need food.." Here the repetition of 'people need' produces a dramatic
effect. A further more famous example is Winston Churchill's WWII "We
shall fight on the beaches" speech: "We shall go on to the end. We
shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight
with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our
island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight
on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we
shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.." Here the dramatic
repetition of 'we shall' and 'we shall fight' produces remarkable inspiring and
motivational effect.
anonym - an anonymous person or publication of some sort, potentially extending
to an anonymous internet/website posting.
antonym - a word which is the opposite in meaning in relation to another, for
example, fast and slow, high and low, husband and wife, dead and alive, etc.,
(from Greek anti, against, and onuma, a name). Interestingly the antonym of the
word antonym is synonym (a word which means the same as or equates to another).
aphorism - a statement of very few words - for example a maxim or short memorable
impactful quote - which expresses a point strongly, for example, 'No pain, no
apocrypha/apochryphal - writings which are not authentic (for example falsely cited quotations
or extracts, etc) but which may be presented or considered authentic -
especially applying to claimed biblical works or ancient Chinese writings, and
increasingly a term which applies generally to any old writings that lack a
claimed or asserted authenticity. The word is Greek originally meaning 'hidden
writings', from apokruptein, 'hide away'.
apophony - this is a very broad term, referring simply to the alternation of
sounds in a word stem which produces different tenses, meanings or versions of the word, for
example sing, sung, sang. Apophony is also called ablaut, alternation, gradation,
internal inflection, internal modification, replacive morphology, stem
alternation, stem modification, stem mutation, among other variants of these.
apophasis - a broad term for various types of communications and language
techniques which infer or propose something by emphasizing what it is not, or
by ironically rejecting or denying or introducing a notion, and then
withdrawing or distancing oneself (the speaker) from the 'fact'. Examples are paralipsis and syllogism, and the game 'twenty
questions' and the general concept of 'by exception' and the 'process of
apophthegm/apothegm - (helpfully the 'ph' and 'g' are silent - the word is pronounced
'appathem', emphasis on the first syllable - apothegm is the US-English
spelling) - an apophthegm is a concise and very expressive saying, for example
'You get out what you put in', equating to an aphorism, originally from Greek,
apophthengesthai, meaning 'speak out'.
apostrophe - a punctuation mark
(simply shown as ' ) which denotes ownership (as in John's books), or omitted
letters (as in: you don't know, or rock'n'roll) or a quoted or significantly
extracted/highlighted item (as in: the communication was worded very carefully
because of 'political correctness'..)
apposite/apposition - where two similar references appear together, typically without a
conjunction, for example, 'my son the doctor'.
aptronym - a person's name that matches his/her occupation or character, most
obviously children's book characters such as the Mr Men series (Mr Messy, Mr
Bump, etc), and extending to amusing fictitious examples such as roofer Dwayne
Pipe, or parks supervisor Theresa Green, or yoga teacher Ben Dover, or
hair-stylist Dan Druff. From apt, meaning appropriate, and Latin aptus meaning
fitted. Apparently the term was first suggested by Franklin P Adams. Also
called an aptonym or charactonym.
argot - a word referring to
a secret coded language of some sort, notably but not exclusively used by criminals,
for example backslang or cockney rhyming slang; argot ('argo') is originally a
French/Spanish Catalan word for slang. Argo may also refer to jargon or
terminology that is specific to a particular group or discipline, for example
military folk, hobbyists, scientists, etc.
articulation - articulation refers to the formation
of clear sounds in speech, including vowels and more especially consonants. Technically this is
analysed/achieved via the control of the airflow (of breathing while speaking)
through, and by adjustment of, the various vocal organs and mouthparts, each of
which produce a remarkably extensive range of possible sounds, which increases
further when considering different cultures/languages around the world. Also
technically, articulation - in referring to the use of airflow and vocal
mouth-parts, and encompassingphonation - is one of the most important and fundamental ways by which the
development and analysis of language are enabled. The word articulation is
ultimately derived from Latin articulus, 'small connecting part'. See
importantly 'places of articulation'.
ASCII - (pronounced 'askee') stands for the American Standard Code for Information
Interchange, established in the 1960s. ASCII is a widely used and prevalent
system for coding letters and other characters for use on electronic text
equipment, notably computers and the internet.
asperand - the @ sign - also called alphastratocus
- now widely used in computing, notably within email addresses where it stands
simply for 'at'. Originally the 'at' sign was an accounting term meaning 'at
the rate of', for example: 10 widgets @ £3 each = £30 total.
asterisk - the star symbol (*) commonly used to
signify that a supplementary note follows (also signified by an asterisk), or
quite separately to substitute letters in offensive words in published text.
autoantonym/auto-antonym/autantonym - one of two different words that have the same spelling (a homograph) but opposite meanings,
for example, fast (quick moving or firmly fixed). The term is from Greek auto,
meaning self, and antonym, in turn from anti meaning
against. Also called a contranym, contronym, antagonym,
antilogy, enantiodrome, self-antonym, addad, didd, and Janus word. This peculiar
phnomenon, called 'enantionymy' and 'antilogy', attracts a high level of
interest among linguists, lovers of language and wordplay trivia. Here are some
examples: Cap (limit, stop, and add to, increase); Outstanding (satisfactory,
standard exceeded, and unsatisfactory, standard not met); Oversight (a check,
monitor, and a neglect, omission); Weather (endure, stand test of time, and
erode, wear down or denude); Clip (join two or more things together as with a
paper-clip, and divide something into two or more pieces, as in clip an article
from the paper or clip someone's hair); Dust (remove a layer of powdery
substance, and apply a layer of powdery substance, as in dusting crops or
dusting for finger-prints); Trim (add to or embellish, as in trim the Christmas
tree, and cut away something, as in trim hair or a hedge); Cleave (split apart
or break, and stick or adhere); Ravish (to violently abuse, and to delight);
Sanction (a permission, and a preventative penalty); Sanguine (cheerful and
bloodthirsty); Bolt (fixed, secure in place, and move fast, run away); Garnish
(add to, embellish or decorate, and remove from - as in legally serving notice
to seize money
or assets); Bound (stay or fixed, and move, as in leap or travelling);
Left (gone, and remaining); Mad (angry about, and attracted to); Livid (angry,
and pallid, lacking colour and spirit); Wind-up (start something, like a clock
or an argument, and finish something, like proceedings or a talk); Blow-up
(inflate, create, e.g., a balloon, and destroy with explosives). Further
suggestions always welcome.
autonym - a word that describes itself (also called self-referential); for
example noun is a noun, polysyllabic is polysyllabic, abbrv. is an
abbreviation, and word is a word. Separately autonym refers to a person's real
name, the opposite of a pseudonym. And separately again,
an autonym may be a name by which a social group or race of people refers to
itself. From Greek auto, self.
axiom - a statement or proposition considered established, true, accepted, or
a fact that is 'taken for granted'. For example: 'We need air to breathe,' or
'Many people find comfort in religion.' Seen critically, some axiomatic
statements can be regarded as stating the obvious. Certain tautologies which seek to persuade people of a supposedly established viewpoint are
commonly presented as being axiomatic, when in fact the basic assumption within
the tautology is not actually an axiom, more a matter of opinion. Many cliches are offered as axioms, when actually often they are subjective, and
opposing 'accepted' cliches exist. The word axiom derives from Greek 'axios',
backslang - an informal 'coded' language made of reversed words, or with reversed
elements within words, used originally by groups of people seeking to talk
openly yet secretively among other people who did not belong to the group, for
example historically by market traders within hearing of customers, or by
gangsters. Backslang has been at various times popular among teenagers, and
exists as a 'reverse' coded secret slang language in many non-English-speaking
cultures. Some backslang expressions enter mainstream language and
dictionaries, such as the word yob, a disparaging term for a boy.
bacronym/backronym - a 'reverse acronym', i.e., an acronymic phrase or word-series which is
constructed from its abbreviated form, rather than from its full form (as is
the case with a conventional acronym). The abbreviated form of a bacronym is
usually a recognizable word or name, whose full 'meaning' is constructed from
words whose sequence and initial letters letters match the abbreviation, for
example YAHOO = Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle, or IBM = I Blame
Microsoft. The full form is commonly a humorous or clever or ironic reference
to the word or name spelled by the abbreviation. The word bacronym/backronym is
combination (portmanteau) word made from back
or backward and acronym. See theacronyms and bacronyms listing for lots of examples.
bathos - in language, especially poetic and
dramatic, a jarring and usually funny mood-change or anti-climax caused by
unexpectedly introducing a crude/rough/basic notion immediately after a
(usually much longer) sublime/inspiring/heady/exalted/or otherwise uplifting
passage of words. The mood-shift is one of 'down to earth with a bump', as if
to give the reader/audience suddenly a surprising sense of ordinariness, or
ridiculous contrast, after first establishing an atmosphere of higher, grander
thoughts and images. For example, "...the new vicar was making a deeply
moving impression on the congregation, with a sermon of profound meaning,
soaring inspiration, and heartfelt compassion. He paused dramatically, before
delivering his final uplifting conclusion, and, re-tasting last night's
vindaloo and half-bottle of brandy, was sick on a choirboy..."
bilabial consonant - a consonant articulated with both lips. There are hundreds of technical variations
of pronunciation. This is one example of a group of them. See places of articulation to understand where/how vocal word/letter sounds are made. See also the International Phonetic Alphabetand
related IPA chart (pdf) for diagrammatic explanation and detail of what these sounds are called,
and the symbols used to denote them. It's fascinating. (The IPA chart is published here under the following terms of
reproduction permission: IPA Chart, http://www.langsci.ucl.ac.uk/ipa/ipachart.html,
available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License.
Copyright © 2005 International Phonetic Association.)
bullet point/bullet-points/bullets - an increasingly popular and very effective way of presenting
information, by which a series of (usually) brief sentences, each dealing with
a single separate issue, are each prefaced by a large dot or other symbol
(sometimes a bullet or arrow, or asterisk, or some other icon, to aid clarity of
presentation and increase emphasis). The 'bullets' (the actual dots or marks)
act like exclamation marks, but at the beginning rather than the end of the
sentences. Some folk debate whether bullet points should follow grammatical
rules for sentences or not, i.e., begin with a capital letter, end with a full stop, etc.,
although in most usage bullet points do not, and actually for good effect need
not, and so are unlikely to conform more in the future. Professional writers
and presenters tend to support the view that there is an optimum number of
bullet points when presenting information that is designed to persuade people
and be retained, and this ranges between 3 and 7 points, suggesting that 5
points is a good safe optimum. Obviously where bullet points are used in
different situations, such as detailed listings and extensive summaries, the
notion of an optimum persuasive number no longer applies, and in these
circumstances anyway numbered points are usually more beneficial and effective.
Whatever, for hard-hitting brief presentations of information/arguments, bullet
points are often an unbeatable format.
cacophony/cacophonous - in linguistics this refers to unpleasant sounding speech, words, or
ugly discordant vocalizing. It is the opposite of euphony, and like euphony,
cacophony is a significantly influential concept in the evolution of language,
according to the principle that human beings throughout time have generally
preferred to use and hear pleasing vocal sounds, rather than unpleasant ones.
Euphonic words and sounds tend to flow more easily from the tongue and mouth
than cacophonous utterings, and so this affects the way words and language
evolve. The word is from Greek kakos, bad, and phone, sound. See euphony.
cadence - in linguistics cadence refers to the fall in pitch of vocalized sounds
at the end of phrases and sentences, typically indicating an ending or a
significant pause. It's from Latin cadere, to fall. More generally cadence may
refer to modulation or inflection in the voice or speech delivery.
CamelCase - a style of text layout, popularized in the computer/internet age,
which uses no spaces, instead relying on capital letters to show word
beginnings. The term 'camel' alludes to humpy wordshapes.
capitonym - word which changes its meaning and pronunciation when capitalised;
e.g. polish and Polish, august and August, concord and Concord - from capital
cant - a cant is a secret
or coded language used by a group for secrecy, it equates to an argot.
cataphor - a word or phrase that refers to and replaces another word, or series
of words, used later in a passage or sentence - for example: "It was
empty; the old cupboard was bare.." - here 'it' is the cataphor for 'the
old cupboard'. Another example is "When it had to compete against social networking,
TV became less dominant.." - here 'it' is the cataphor for TV. See
cataphora - the action of using a cataphor in writing or speech to avoid
repetition, or for dramatic effect, i.e., the use of a replacement word in a
passage instead of its subsequent equivalent. From Greek kata, down, but based
on the same pattern as anaphora.
clause - technically in grammar a clause is a
series of words which stands alone as a phrase which makes sense and conveys a
meaning but which is shorter than a sentence. More loosely a clause is
interpreted to mean a sentence or statement, especially in formal documents.
cliche/cliché - a written or spoken statement commonly and widely used by people in
conversation, other speech, and written communications, generally regarded to
lack original thought in application, although ironic or humorous use of cliches may be quite clever use of language. The use
of cliches in high quality original professional written/printed/online
communications, materials, presentations, books, media, and artistic works is
generally considered to be rather poor practice. This is because cliches by
their nature are unoriginal, uninspiring and worse may be boring, tedious and
give the impression of lazy thoughtless creative work. There are thousands of
cliches, and they appear commonly in day-to-day speech, emailing, texting,
etc., and in all sorts of produced media such as newspapers, radio, TV, online,
etc. Virtually everybody uses many cliches every day. The word is from French
clicher, 'to stereotype'. Examples of cliches are sayings such as: 'That's
life,' 'Easy come easy go,' 'Fit for a King,' 'All in a day's work, 'All's fair
in love and war,' and 'Many a true word is spoken in jest'. Many similes have become very common cliches, for example: 'Quiet as a mouse,'
'Selling like hot cakes,' 'Went down like a lead balloon,' 'Dead as a dodo,'
'Fought like a lion,' 'Black as night,' and 'Quick as a flash.' Many metaphorshave become popular
cliches, for example: 'Pigs might fly,' 'Beyond the pale,' 'On cloud nine,'
'Gone for a Burton,' and 'The full Monty'. See lots moreexamples of cliches and their origins. A cliche is often
alternatively and more loosely called an expression or a figure of speech.
cockney - cockney refers to the dialect of
traditional east-central London people ('eastenders', also called cockneys).
Examples of cockney speech are heard widely in film and TV featuring London
stereotypes of 'working class' people, for instance in the BBC soap Eastenders,
films about Jack the Ripper, London gangster movies, 'The Sweeny', and other
entertainment of similar genre. The cockney dialect features lots of 'dropped'
consonant letters (commonly t, h, replaced by glottal stops, due to the 'lazy'
or 'efficient' speech style, for example words such as hunt, house, heat, cat
and headache, are pronounced 'un', 'ouse', 'ea', 'ca' and 'edday', with glottal
stops replacing the dropped letters. Also, the 'th' sound is often replaced by
an 'f' or 'v' sound, for example in 'barf' (bath), 'muvva' (mother), and 'fing'
(think). The term 'ain't' almost always replaces 'isn't'.
cockney rhyming slang - an old English
slang 'coded' language, by which the replacement word/expression is produced
via a (usually) two-word term, the second of which rhymes with the word to be
replaced. Commonly only the first word of the replacement expression is used,
for example, the word 'talk' is replaced by 'rabbit', from 'rabbit and pork',
which rhymes with 'talk'. Other examples of cockney rhyming slang may retain the full rhyming expression, for example 'gin' is referred to
as 'mother's ruin'. See lots more information and examples in the cockney rhyming slang listing.
Australian people use rhyming slang too, which is a development of the original
cockney rhyming language. Many words have entered the English language from
cockney rhyming slang, lots of which are not widely appreciated to have originated
in this way, for example the terms 'scarper' (run away, from scapa flow, go),
'brassic' (penniless, from boracic lint, skint), and 'bread' (money, from bread
and honey).
comparative - refers to an adverb or adjective which expresses a higher degree of a
quality, for example 'greater' is the comparative of 'great'; 'lower' is the
comparative of 'low'.
conjugation - this refers to verb alteration, or the
resulting verb form after alteration, or a category of type of alteration, for
reasons of tense, gender, person, etc. The basic word form, such as 'smile', is
a lexeme; 'smiled' is the past tense
conjugation. The term 'past tense' may also be called a conjugation, since it
refers to an alteration of a verb.
conjunction - a word which connects two
words or phrases together, for example, 'if', 'but', 'and', etc.
consonant - a speech sound (and letter signifying one of these) made from obstructing
airflow during the voicing of words. Words essentially comprise sounds which
are consonants and vowels, and the representation of
words in writing contain letters which are consonants and vowels. Seeplaces of articulation to see how consonant sounds are made.
contraction - in linguistics, contraction is a shortening of a word, and also refers
to the shortened word itself. This is a very significant aspect of language
development. Contraction is a form of abbreviation towards which language
naturally shifts all the time. The word goodbye is a contraction of 'God be with you'. The word 'pram' (a baby carriage) is a contraction of the original word 'perambulator'.
the word 'bedlam' is a contraction of the original word Bethlehem (mental hospital).
Combined abbreviated word forms such as don't, can't, should've, you're, I'm,
and ain't, etc., are all contractions. Many words are contractions of older
longer words, or of more than one word abbreviated by contraction into a
shorter word. Contraction is mostly driven by unconscious human tendency to try
to speak (articulate) more easily and
efficiently, so that words flow and movement of mouth/tongue is minimized.
Language naturally develops in this way. Words shorten, and spellings simplify
over time. Elision - the omission of a sound or syllable in speech - is a major feature in
many contractions, and illustrates how language develops according to popular
usage, rather than according to rules offered by grammar education and
dictionaries. Portmanteau words are also contractions, but of a different sort, not generally the result
of elision, instead being usually a deliberate abbreviated word combination.
contradiction - a view or statement which opposes another previous view or statement,
or a statement or verbalized position which argues against itself, which
commonly especially concerning brief statements is also called a 'contradiction in terms'. From the
Latin root word elements contra, against, and dicere, speak.
contradiction in terms - a short expression or statement which is self-contradicting, for
example, 'a living hell' or 'drank myself sober'. A 'contradiction of terms' is
also called an oxymoron.
contranym/contronym - one of two words of the same spelling
and opposite meanings, for example the word 'bolt' (which can mean fixed and
secure in place, and the opposite meaning: move fast and run away). See autoantonym.
conjunction - a word which joins two statements or phrases or words together, such
as the words: if, but, and, as, that, therefore etc.
copyright - the legal right (control and ownership) automatically belonging to the
creator of artistic work such as writings, designs, artworks, and music, to
publish, sell and exploit the work concerned. Copyright is a very significant
concept in the creation of language-based works, such as poetry, books, and
other writings. Importantly copyright makes it illegal to copy and exploit
other people's work without agreement. Copyright usually exists for several
decades, depending on territory and nature of work, and is subject to
potentially highly complex law. Copyright may be sold, transferred, or the
usage conditions relaxed, upon the wishes of the owner of the work. Contrary to
popular view, copyright does not require registration. It exists automatically
upon the creation of the work. If you merely scribble a pattern or a few
original sentences on a piece of paper, that 'work' automatically is subject to
your 'copyright'. Copyright normally includes a date of creation and/or
publication and/or update or revision. Many printed works may contain copyright
interests of several parties, for example, in the original created work, in the
design/layout of the publication, and perhaps separately for pictures and
diagrams created by other people. The creator of the work decides whether to
transfer copyright to a buyer of the work, which is normally a matter of
negotiation depending on the nature of usage, and the relative needs and powers
of the buyer and seller. See also plagiarism.
cruciverbalist - a crossword puzzle enthusiast/expert.
declension - the altered form of the basic (lexeme) form of a noun or
adjective or pronoun, for reasons of number, gender, etc. The word girl is a
lexeme. The word girls is a declension. There are generally fewer declensions
in English than in other languages such as French and German.
determiner - in language and grammar a determiner is a modifying word which
clarifies the nature of a noun or noun phrase - a determiner tells the listener or reader the status of something, for
example, in terms of uniqueness, quantity, ownership, relative position, etc.
Examples of determiner words are 'a', 'the', 'very', 'this', 'that', 'my',
'your', 'many', 'few', 'several', etc.
diacritic - a sign or mark of
some sort which appears with a letter (above, below or through it) to signify a
different pronunciation. For example, accent, cedilla, circumflex, umlaut, etc.
See diacritical marks. From Greek
diakrinein, distinguish, from dia, through, and krinein, to separate.
dialect - the language, including sound and
pronunciation, of a particular region, area, nationality, social group, or
other group of people.
diathesis - equates to voice in grammar, i.e., whether a verb or verb construction
is active or passive, for example, 'some
nightclubs ban ripped jeans' is active diathesis, whereas, 'ripped jeans are
banned by some nightclubs' is passive diathesis. In tactical or sensitive
communications the use of passive or active diathesis is often a less
provocative way of communicating something which implies fault or blame, for
example, 'the photocopier has been broken' (passive voice/diathesis) is less accusatory/confrontational
than 'someone has broken the photocopier' (active voice/diathesis). Common
examples of this use of passive diathesis/voice are notices such as, 'thieves
will be prosecuted' (passive), and 'breakages must be paid for' (passive), which
are less confrontational/direct than, 'we will prosecute you if you steal from
us' (active), and 'you must pay for anything you break' (active). However,
given a different verb and context the active diathesis may be less
threatening, for example 'the situation is challenging' (active), seems less
onerous than 'we/you are challenged by this situation' (passive). Often the
presence/potential presence of the word 'by' indicates that the diathesis/voice
is passive.
dichotomy - in linguistics, a dichotomy is a
division or contrast between two things (ideas, concepts, etc) which are
considered to be completely different, especially opposing or competing, for
example which may arise in a debate or choice. The adjective dichotomous refers to something which contains two different or opposing
or contrasting concepts, ideas, theories, etc. In some contexts a dichotomy is synonymous with a contradiction or with an oxymoron. (From Greek dikho, in
two/apart, and tomy, which refers to a process.)
dingbat - in written or printed language a dingbat is a symbol - most commonly
an asterisk - substituted for a letter, typically several dingbats for several
letters, to reduce the offensive impact of vulgar words, such as F**K, or S**T.
Dingbats may also be used to substitute all letters in a vulgar word, notably
for dramatic or amusing effect in cartoon talk bubbles, for example ***!!, or
the probably somewhat ruder ¡*¿¿*¿$$?!!***!!.
diphthong - a vocal sound of one syllable with
two different qualities, one merging into the next, often very subtly indeed,
produced by the combination of two vowels, whether the vowels are together (for
example, as in road and rain), apart (as in game and side), or joined as a ligature (as in the traditional spelling of encyclopædia). Note that the two
different vowel sound qualities are not easily discernible and many speakers of
the language concerned will believe such sounds to be a single pure vowel sound
as in a monophthong. A diphthong typically
entails a very slight glide or slide a slightly different sound within the same
syllable. See also triphthong, which refers to there
being three different sound qualities in a single vowel-sound syllable. Monophthong refers to a single pure vowel syllable sound. The word diphthong derives
from Greek di, twice, and phthongos, voice/sound.
diphthongization/monophthongization - this is a significant feature of language evolution: The evolution of
speech and dialect (increasingly across cultures) influences what we regard as 'correct' or
'dictionary' language and words themselves, and involves pronunciation
transitions frommonophthongs to diphthongs (and vice-versa) as substantial factors. These transitions are called
respectively diphthongization (pronunciation introduces an additional vowel
sound such as a slide or drawl, changing a single sound to a double sound) and
monophthongization (a double sound is simplified to a single quicker simpler
sound). These features and changes in language are significant in producing the
differences in accents when we compare, for example, the dialects of
American-English speakers (from various parts of the US) with each other and
with UK-English speakers (again in various parts of the UK) and with each
other, and with other English speakers. These same features of diphthongization
and monophthongization have also been significant in the development of the
English language throughout history. Similar effects exist in other languages.
dis- - a very common prefix denoting negativity, reversal/inversion, or a disadvantage.
discourse - a technical word for a communication of some sort, written or spoken,
and often comprising a series of communications.
ditto - ditto means 'the same as' (the thing that precedes it), from Latin
dictus, said. Ditto is probably most commonly shown as the ditto mark ("),
in columns or rows or lists of data, where it signifies 'same as the above'.
Where the repetition is an extended row of data or words, several symbols may
be linked by long hyphens, or a single symbol may be flanked by two very long
hyphens reaching each end of the repeated data, so avoiding the need for a
ditto symbol beneath each item/word.
dogberryism - a faintly popular alternative term for a malapropism, whereby a
similar-sounding word is incorrectly and amusingly substituted in speech, the
term being derived from the constable Dogberry character in Shakespeare's As
You Like It.
double-entendre - a double-meaning or pun, where one of the meanings usually is amusing
in a suggestive sexual or indecent way - from old French, double understanding,
now double entente)
double-meaning - a pun, where a
word, phrase or statement can be interpreted to mean two different things,
typically where the less obvious meaning is funny, or suggestively indecent or
rude in an amusing way.
double negative - this is usually an
incorrect grammatical use of two negative words or constructions within a
single statement so that the technical result is an expression of the positive,
or opposite of what the speaker/writer intends. Usage is commonly associated
with regional vernacular inarticulate adults and children, although more
complex forms of the double-negative can be found in supposedly expert
communications. A common example in everyday speech is, "I don't know
nothing.." (which equates to 'I know something'), or "They never did
nothing about it.."
dysphasia - a brain disorder due to accident or illness inhibiting speech and/or
comprehension of speech.
dysphemism - a negative,
derogatory, or insulting term, used instead of a neutral (and more usual) one;
the opposite of a euphemism.
egg corn - a combination of a loose pun and a (usually
intentional) malapropism. An egg corn may be
written or spoken, designed or notable mainly for humorous effect, in which a
word or words are substituted within a term or expression or phrase to produce
a different and (typically) related meaning. For example the adaption of
'Alzheimer's disease' to 'old-timer's disease'. The term 'egg corn' is
attributed to linguistics professor Geoffrey Pullum, 2003, who apparently drew
on an example of the effect in a linguistics blog referring to a woman in the
habit of using the term 'egg corn' instead of the word acorn. Other examples of
egg corns may be similarly daft, although some are more sophisticated. Often a
feature of egg corns isirony. Wikipedia (2013) offers the
examples: 'ex-patriot' instead of 'expatriate'; 'mating name' instead of
'maiden name'; 'on the spurt of the moment' instead of 'on the spur of the
moment'; 'preying mantis' instead of 'praying mantis'. Business names offer
fertile opportunities for egg corns, for (real) example a clothing alterations
shop called 'Sew What' ('So What'); a flame grill fast food restaurant called
'Hindenburger' (a darkly ironic reference to the Hindenburg German airship
inferno disaster of 1937); a gardener called 'The Lawn Ranger' ('The Lone
Ranger'); a sandwich bar called 'Lettuce Eat' ('let us eat'); A Chinese
restaurant called Wok and Roll (Rock'n'roll'); an alleyway bookshop called
'Book Passage' ('back passage' - also slang for anus, although this has nothing
to do with books per se - it's just an amusing notion); a tennis centre called
'The Merchant of Tennis' ('The Merchant of Venice' - no relevance to tennis or
sport at all, just funny); a flower shop called 'Florist Gump' ('Forrest Gump'
- no relevance to flowers, merely a daft punning egg corn); a fish and chip
shop called 'The Codfather' ('The Godfather', famous movie series, again simply
a daft funny pun); a building contractor called 'William the Concretor'
('William the Conqueror'); a hairdressers called 'Cubic Hair' ('Pubic Hair',
and also alluding to the cubist art movement); a kebab restaurant called 'Pita
Pan' ('Peter Pan' and also alluding to a cooking pan); a furniture store called
'Sofa So Good' ('so far so good'); a chip shop called 'Lord of the Fries'
('Lord of the Flies', William Golding's best-selling 1954 novel, and absolutely
no connection with fish and chips). The slang money term 'sick squid' ('six quid') is an egg corn, from which the term 'squid'
meaning quid (£ pound) derived.
elision - the omission of a sound or syllable
in the speaking of words, such as don't, won't, isn't, I'm, you're, etc. The
usual pronunciation of the word 'wednesday' as 'wensdy' is elision. The use of
glottal stop is also often elision too, as in the cockney/estuary English pronunciation of 'a pint and a half' as 'a pi'n'arf'. Elision is a
common feature of contractions (shortened words).
ellipsis - missing word or words in speech or text, for example 'Keep Off Grass',
(here 'the' is omitted for reasons of space/impact). Ellipsis may be used for
various reasons, for example: omitted irrelevant sections of a quoted passage,
usually indicated by three dots, to show just the meaningful sections, for
example "...positive economic factors... resulting in substantial
growth..."; or in speech/text due to casual or lazy or abbreviated
language, for example 'Love you' where the 'I' is obvious/implied, or
"Parking at own risk" instead of the full grammatically correct
"Parking is at customers' own risk". Another common reason for
ellipsis is where surrounding context enables words to be omitted that might
otherwise seem unnecessary/repetitious, such as in listing items/activities,
for example in the descriptive passage: "He packed shoes, socks, shirts,
ties. A blazer. Cufflinks. Some silk handkerchiefs. And cologne." Here the
ellipsis creates the dramatic effect of packing items into a case thoughtfully
in different actions, rather than (the full arguably more grammatically
correct, but clumsier and less dramatic/prosaic, continuous flowing version): "He
packed shoes, socks, shirts, and ties. He also bought a blazer, cufflinks, some
silk handkerchiefs, and cologne." The word ellipsis is from Ancient Greek
elleipein, meaning 'leave out'.
emphasis - loosely equating to stress in pronunciation of words and syllables, and separately applying more
broadly to the different intonation and volume given by speakers to certain
words or phrases in a spoken passage so as to add impact, attract attention,
prioritize, etc. Emphasis is commonly signified in printed communications by
emboldening or italicizing or highlighting the text concerned. Dictionaries and
other language/pronunciation guides usually indicate which syllables in words
are to be emphasized or stressed by inserting a single apostrophe before the
syllable concerned.
epistrophe - repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences,
for example
epitaph - a phrase or other series of words
which is written to commemorate or otherwise be remembered and associated with
someone who has died, for example as commonly appears on a tombstone. The
comedian Spike Milligan wrote his own famously amusing epitaph: 'I told you I
was ill.'
epithet - an adjective or phrase which is generally considered, or would be recognized, as characterizing
a person or type or other thing, by using a word or a very few words which
convey the essence or a chief aspect of the thing concerned. An epithet seeks
to describe somebody or a group or something in an obviously symbolic and very
condensed way. For example little noisy dogs are commonly referred to by the
epithet 'yappy'. The epithet 'tried and trusted' is commonly used to refer to
methods and processes which are long-established and successful. The epithet
'keen' is often used to refer to a person who is particularly enthused,
determined and focused, and typically strongly motivated towards a particular
action or outcome. The epithet 'green and pleasant land' is often used to refer
to England. From Greek epi, upon, and tithenai, to place.
eponym - a name for
something which derives from a person's name, or from the name of something
else, for example biro (after Laszlo Biro, inventor of the ballpoint pen),
atlas (after the Greek mythological titan Atlas, who held the world on his
shoulders), Mach (the measurement unit and earthly speed of sound, after Ernst
Mach). The descriptive term for an eponym is eponymous. An eponymous name is
therefore one which is named after someone/something. The term derives from
Greek epo, meaning 'upon'.
estuary english - the dialect and
speech style associated with people from London and surrounding areas,
especially Essex and Kent conurbations close to the Thames river estuary, hence
the name. This is a relatively recent term and an attempt by certain media and
commentators to attach a name to the accent of the Greater London area, as
distinct from cockney.
etymology - the technical study/field of word origins, and how words change over
time, or specifically the history of a word, originally from Greek etumos,
etymon - a word or morphene from which a later word is derived.
euphony/euphonic - this refers to the pleasant nature of speech and vocal sounds and is a
highly significant aspect in the development of language. This is because
language evolves according to its quality as well as its meaning. Words and
sounds that are pleasing to the ear and to our unconscious responses tend to be
preferred and used more than language whose sounds (and efforts in producing
the sounds) displease the speaker and listener (called cacophonous). Also euphonic sounds
flow more smoothly and so enable easier more satisfying communications. The
expression 'easy on the ear' actually has very deep significance. Languages
evolves like living things; the best and fittest word sounds thrive and endure
and continue to adapt positively. The unfit and awkward sounds struggle for
long-term acceptance and popularity. Clear examples of the positive influence
of euphony are found in the popularity of reduplicative words, and in alliterative phrases, and in poetry, which are easy and pleasing - euphonic - to say
and hear. Avoid confusing euphony and cacophony with the meaning of words.
Euphony and cacophony refer to sound and ease of utterance, not to meaning.
Words which carry extremely ugly or offensive meaning are often amazingly
euphonic. In fact most offensive words are very euphonic indeed - they are easy
to say and phonically are pleasing on the ear (although it is vital to ignore
meaning when considering this assertion). This is a major reason that offensive
words thrive and remain so popular - people love to say them. Contrast this
with 'difficult' words such as long chemical names, which have been constructed
technically by scientists and engineers, rather than having evolved over
hundreds of years. Such words are rarely euphonic - they are awkward and
unnatural, and so they remain obscure. This is why we will always prefer to say
'bleach', rather than 'sodium hypochlorite'. It's not a matter of word-size -
it's that 'sodium hypochlorite' is cacophonous, whereas 'bleach' is sublimely
euphonic. In fact 'sodium' is actually very euphonic (it's an old word), but
'hypochlorite' is ugly sounding and very awkward to say, so it will therefore
'never catch on'. Conversely when we say that words 'trip off the tongue' this
is a metaphorical expression and instinctive appreciation of euphony, and also of
euphony's significance in affecting the way we speak and the way in which
languages develop.
exonym - a placename which foreigners use and which differs from the local or
national name. from Greek exo, meaning outside.
expression - an expression in language equates loosely and generally to a cliche, or separately the term
expression/express refers to a communication of some sort, for example 'an
expression of horror', or 'John expressed his surprise'.
euphemism - a positive/optimistic/mild word or
phrase that is substituted for a strong/negative/offensive/blunt word or
phrase, typically to avoid upset or embarrassment (either for communicator
and/or audience), or used cynically to mislead others, often to avoid
criticism. For example: 'collateral damage' instead of 'civilian
casualties/deaths' in justifying military action; or 'the birds and the bees'
instead of 'sex' in sex education; or 'downsizing' instead of 'redundancies' in
corporate announcements; or 'negative growth' instead of 'losses' or
'contraction' in financial performance commentary. Death and dying are usually
expressed in a euphemism, for example, 'passing away'. Heaven is arguably a
euphemism for what happens after death. Euphemisms are very common in referring
to sexual matters and bodily functions, due to embarrassment, real or
perceived. Hence terms such as 'making love', and words like poo, wee, willy,
bum, etc. Some euphemisms are appropriate, others are or disingenuous. Where
there is honest intention to avoid causing offence or upset in sensitive human
situations, euphemisms are usually appropriate. Where a politician or business
person uses euphemistic language to avoid responsibility, blame, etc., then
euphemisms are cynical and dishonest. The inverse or opposite of a euphemism is
a dysphemism.
figurative - in language the term figurative refers to the non-literal use of words, equating to the symbolic or metaphorical representation of concepts, thoughts, things, ideas, feelings, etc. The
term figurative is very broad and can potentially mean any use of descriptive
language which is not factual. Figurative types of description include similes, metaphors, exaggeration,
or any other descriptive device which distorts the strict technical meaning of
the words used.
figure of speech - a figure of speech is a symbolic expression; 'figure of speech' is
a very broad term for a word or series of words used in writing or speech in a non-literal sense (i.e., symbolically), which may be a cliche or metaphor or simile, or another expression
which represents in a symbolic way a concept or feeling or idea or some other
communication. A figure of speech may be a popular and widely used expression,
or one that a person conceives for a single use. There are very many thousands
of figures of speech in language, many of which we imagine wrongly to be
perfectly normal literal expressions, such is the habitual way that many of
them are used.
font - nowadays the word font has a broader
meaning than its original or traditional meaning: font used to refer to a
specific size and style of atypeface (typeface being a font family, such as Times or Helvetica, including all
sizes and variants such as bold and italic, etc). In modern times font tends
more to refer to an entire font family or typeface (such as Times or
Helvetica). The word font is derived from French fonte and fodre, to melt,
referring to the making of lead type used in traditional printing.
former - this is a quite an old technical
formal writing or speaking technique: former here refers to the earliest of a
number of (usually two) items mentioned in a preceding passage of text/speech.
Its sister word is latter, which refers to the last (usually second) item
mentioned in a preceding passage of text. An example in use is, '...There was a
problem involving the keys and the house, when the former were locked inside
the latter...' The usage typically aims to avoid unnecessary or clumsy
repetition, although with declining use, and correspondingly increasing numbers
of people who have not the faintest idea what former and latter mean in this
context, the merits of the methodology are debatable. See latter.
generic - the word generic refers to a class or
category or group of things - it is a flexible and relative concept. Generic
might otherwise mean 'general' or 'broadly applicable' (in relation to
something which belongs to a class or set, which basically everything does in
one way), or describe 'similar items/members'. Its usage normally seeks to
differentiate a broad sense from a specific sense. Generic is the opposite of
specific or unique or individual. More technically generic refers to classes of
things in formal taxonomy or classifications. The word derives ultimately from Latin genus,
meaning stock or race.
genericized trademark/generic trademark - a word which was (and may still be) a brand name that is used in a
general or generic sense for the item or substance concerned, irrespective of the brand or
manufacturer, for example Aspirin, Velcro, Hoover, Sellotape, Durex, Li-lo,
Bakelite, Zippo, Coke, etc. Many genericized trademark names have entered
language so that people do not appreciate that the word is/was a registered and
protected brandname. There are surprisingly very many such names. Corporations
and other owners of genericized trademark names typically resist or object to
the effect, because legally the 'intellectual property' is undermined, and its
value and security as an asset is lessened (which enables competitors to sell
similar products). There is however a powerful contra-effect by which owners of
genericized trademarks potentially command a hugely serious and popular
reputation, which can be used to leverage lots of other benefits and
opportunities if managed creatively and positively. It is, as the saying goes,
'a nice problem to have'. See a long list of genericized trademarks.
gerund - a verb used in the form of a noun, typically by using the 'ing'
suffix, for example 'when the going gets tough' (going being the noun) or 'it's
the screaming and wailing that upsets people' (both screaming and wailing here
being gerunds). Originally from Latin gerundum, which is the gerund of the
Latin verb gerere, to do.
gerundive - a verb used in the form of
an adjective, with the meaning or sense of '(the verb) is to be done'.
Gerundive constructions do not arise in English as gerunds do, but they appear
in words that have entered English from Latin, often ending in 'um' for example
'quod erat demonstrandum' ('which was to be demonstrated' - abbreviated to QED,
used after proving something). Interestingly the name Amanda is a (female)
gerundive, meaning '(she) is to be loved'. The words referendum, agenda, and
propaganda are all from Latin gerundive words, which convert a verb into an
adjective with the meaning of necessity to fulfil the verb.
glottal stop - a consonant sound produced by blocking exhaled airflow (when voicing
vowel sounds) by sudden closure of the vocal tract, specifically the folds at
the glottis (the opening of the vocal chords), and which may be followed by an
immediate reopening of the airflow to enable the word to continue. Glottal
stops may therefore happen at the ends of words or during words, for example in
cockney and 'Estuary English' (a dialect of Greater London and communities close to this) where in
English they typically replace a formal letter sound, commonly a 't', which is
then referred to as a 'dropped' letter. The glottal stop, while extremely
common in speech, is not formally included in the English alphabet, but is
included in certain foreign languages, notably in Arabic nations.
glyph - a single smallest unit (symbol) of
meaning in typographics (writing/printing symbols), i.e., a symbol whose presence or absence
alters the meaning of a word or longer communication. All letters are glyphs. Diacritical marks are generally regarded as glyphs. Increasingly computer symbols are
regarded as glyphs. A dot above an 'i' or 'j' has traditionally not been
considered a glyph in English, although is a glyph in other languages where a
dot alone has an independent meaning.
-graph - a common suffix which refers to a word or visual symbol, or
denotes something that is written or drawn or a visual representation, for
example as in the words autograph, photograph, etc. From Greek graphos, meaning
written, writing.
grapheme - the smallest semantic (meaning) unit of written language, equating
loosely to a phoneme of speech. Graphemes include alphabet letters, typographic ligatures,
Chinese characters, numerical digits, punctuation marks, and other individual
symbols of writing systems.
hash - also called the
'number sign' (#), and in US/Canada and nations using US vernacular the 'pound sign', since it refers alternatively to the UK £ (sterling
currency) symbol. The hash/pound symbol generally appears bottom right on
telephone keypads and is significant in confirming many telecommunications and
functions. The hash symbol has also become significant in computerized and
internet functionality and data organization, as notably in the 'hashtag'.
hashtag - a hashtag is the use of the hash (#)
symbol as a prefix for an identifying name relating to content or data of some
class or commonality that may be sorted or grouped or analyzed, most famously
in modern times on social media websites such as Twitter. In fact the use of
the hash symbol for computerized sorting and analysis purposes first began in
Internet Relay Chat Systems, first developed in the late 1980s. The hashtag is
a major example of the increasing simplification, streamlining, coding and
internationalization of language, and especially to this end, of the
integration of numbers and symbols within words and letters and electronic
communications to increase speeds of communicating and accessibility, and to
reduce the quantity of characters required to convey a given meaning, and also
to organize and distribute communications-related data.
hendiadys - a sort of tautology which for dramatic effect or emphasis expresses
two aspects or points separately rather than by (more obviously and
efficiently) combining them, for example: "The rain and wet fell incessantly..."
holonym - a whole thing in relation to a part of the whole, for example the word
'car' is a holonym in relation to 'wheel' or to 'engine'. From Greek holon,
whole, and onuma, name.
heteronym - heteronym refers to each of two (or more) words which have the same
spelling but quite different meanings, for example key (to a door or lock) and
key (in music). Where the sound is different such words are also called heterophones. Where the sound is
the same such words are also called homonyms. Additionally and
differently heteronym refers to single words which are quite different but mean
the same, either due to geographical differences, for example fender and bumper
(the US/UK-English words for protective construction front/rear of motor cars,
etc), or due to different etymology, for example settee and
sofa, or dog and hound. From Greek, heteros, other, and the suffix 'onym', which refers to a type of
heterograph - a less common term than and equating to a heteronym, i.e., one of two or
more words with the same spelling, but different meaning and different origin,
and may be pronounced the same or differently.
heterophone - this is a heteronym that is pronounced differently to its related words, (i.e., the other
word[s] which cause each to be a heteronym). From Greek heteros, other, and
phone, sound or voice. Examples of heterophones include entrance (entry, and
put someone in a trance), row (row a boat, and row meaning argue), wind (a wind
that blows, and wind up a clock).
heteronym - one of two or more words with the same spelling, but different meaning
and different origin, and may be pronounced the same or differently. Each word
looks the same as the other but has quite a different meaning. A heteronym is a
kind of homonym, and equates to a heterograph. From Greek hetero, other. For
example sewer (stitcher/water-waste pipework), bow (made with ribbon/bend from
the hips) row (argument/propel a boat).
homo- - a common prefix meaning 'same', from Greek homos, same.
homonym - homonym refers to each of two (or
more) words with the same pronunciation or spelling, but different meanings and etymologicalorigins, for example
the word 'mean' (unkind or average or intend, for which each 'mean' is quite
differently derived), or the words flower and flour. A homonym involving the
same spelling is also called a heteronym. A homonym which
involves different spelling is also called a homophone. Homo is aprefix from the Greek homos meaning same.
homograph - one of two or more words which have the same spelling but different
meanings, and usually different origins too.
homophone - a word which sounds like another but has different meaning and
spelling, for example flour and flower.
heterophones, heterographs, homonyms, homophones, homographs - explanatory
Note that the definitions of these
terms contain many overlaps and common features. Linguistics experts may
disagree over precise certain finely detailed differences.
d or s
(music)/key (lock)
(entry)/entrance (hypnotise)
d or s
(music)/key (lock)
(intend)/mean (unkind)/mean (average) - flower/flour
- write/right - flower/flour
d or s
d or s
(entry)/entrance (hypnotise)
(N.B. It can be helpful to a small
degree in understanding the confusing relative meanings and overlaps of these
terms, to remember that 'phone' refers to sound, 'nym' refers to word/name, and
'graph' refers to spelling - I say 'to a small degree' because even given this
knowledge the confusion remains challenging to resolve completely, so some
caution is recommended in using any of these terms in an absolutely firm
hypo-/hyper- - these two common prefixes mean respectively (loosely) 'over/above' and 'under/below', from their
Greek origins, huper (over) and hupo (under). Remembering these two simplex
prefixes will help the understanding of hundreds of different terms.
hyperbole - exaggeration or excessive description, used for dramatic effect, or
arising from emotional reactions, rather than for accuracy or scientific
reasons. For example, 'I am so hungry I could eat a horse...' or 'I've told you
a million times...' From Greek huper, over, and ballein, thrown.
hypernym/hyperonym - interestingly we use these words every day, and understand their
meaning and positioning, but probably don't realize what they are called
technically, i.e., a hypernym is a category or group name within which
different types or sorts exist, or a general term within which more specific
different type terms exist. For example, 'bird' is a hypernym (group name) in
relation to 'sparrow', 'eagle', and 'pelican' (which arehyponyms of the 'bird' group or hypernym). In turn 'animal' is a hypernym for
'bird' which is a hyponym of 'animal. In turn 'creature' is a hypernym of
'animal'. All hyponyms may accurately be called also the name of their
hypernym, but not vice-versa, for example every hammer (hyponym) is a tool
(hypernym), but not every tool is a hammer. Hypernym is from Greek huper, over,
beyond. A hypernym is also called a superordinate or generic term.
hyponym - this is a sister term (or more
precisely a daughter term) to hypernym and refers to something which is in a
category of some sort, for example 'sparrow', 'eagle', and 'pelican' are all
hyponyms in a category named 'bird' ('bird' is the hypernym in relation to the stated hyponyms). A hypernym word may always
correctly be referred to as the hypernym word (for example 'golf' is a 'game',
as is every other hyponym of 'game') - but the same does not apply in reverse,
(i.e., a 'game' is not always 'golf'). Every word in the language is a hyponym,
because every word refers to something which is part of a group of some sort.
Hyponym is from Greek hupo, under, which is a good way to remember that
hyponyms are 'under' a hypernym. A hyponym is also called a subordinate term.
-i - 'i' is an
increasingly commonly seen prefix denoting 'internet' and suggestive of connectivity and functionality
associated with internet technologies. I am open to suggestions of when the i
prefix was very first used in this way. The Apple corporation could claim the
first globally dominant usage. Apple has many trademarks covering the use of
the i prefix (notably iPhone, iTunes, iPad, iPod). According to reports, the
Apple TV was to be called the iTV until UK broadcaster ITV (Independent
Television) objected/threatened legal action.
icon - a symbol representing something -
icons are increasingly becoming highly significant elements of modern
communications, to the extent that we can imagine alphabets of the future
comprising many icons, just as they will have to accommodate numbers and other
symbols, alongside traditional letters. See icon in the business
idiom - a word, or more usually words, which through common use have developed
a recognizable figurative meaning, so as to refer to or describe something in symbolic non-literal terms. Idioms may be widely recognized, or understood just by a small
group, for example by virtue of locality or common interest. Languages are full
of idioms; many cliches are idioms, as are many similes and metaphors too. An idiom is generally an expression which is popularly used by a
group of people, as distinct from a figurative expression created by an author
or other writer for a single use within the created work, which does not come
into more common use. Idioms commonly feature in the dialect of groups defined by geography or culture. The word idiom derives from
Greek idios, 'own' or 'private'.
i.e. - a commonly used
abbreviation of the Latin term 'id est', meaning 'that is', for example when
offering a clarification or explanation of, or a listing related to, the
directly preceding reference or point. In most usage the full meaning of 'i.e.'
is effectively 'that is to say..', for example: 'His travels took him to the
capital cities of England, France and Portugal, i.e., London, Paris and
Lisbon..' Or: 'Nowadays people use to many detergents and other chemicals to
clean things, when much of the time the only cleaning product required is the
"universal solvent", i.e., water'.
inflection - also spelled inflexion - in linguistics inflection refers to tonal or
pitch alteration or modulation of the human voice, or in grammar to the alteration of a basic word (lexeme) - its ending or beginning
or spelling - to change tense, gender, mood, person, voice (whether gramatically active or passive, i.e., diathesis), number, gender and
case. The inflection of verbs is called conjugation, and the inflection of
nouns/adjectives/pronouns is called declension.
intellectual property - often abbreviated to IP, 'intellectual property' is a widely used
legal term referring to created works such as writings, artworks, brandnames,
designs, music, inventions, etc., which may be recorded and officially
registered in some way, and which may not be copied or exploited without
approval or licence or other permission from the 'rights-holder'. Implicitly,
intellectual property commonly has a commercial value, which while relatively
'intangible' may (in the case of popular brands and mass-produced products) be
considerable and stated in official financial accounts. Normally intellectual
property would be registered in some way to improve protections and awareness
of existence/ownership, aside from the natural copyright existing in any original created work. Examples of registered
intellectual property are: patented inventions, designs, brandnames and
trademarks, books, poetry, photographs, sculptures, processes and systems,
software, written and recorded music. Different registration bodies exist for
different types of work and different geographical territories.
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) - a major and widely used
phonetic alphabetic system, devised by the International Phonetic Association
as a way to represent vocal language sounds. The alphabet's most obvious
purpose is to show how words and letters are pronounced. The IPA is used by
technical and professional linguists and lexicographers, and others involved
in the study and teaching of spoken language. Its representations of words
appear alongside most entries in many dictionaries of languages which use the
Latin alphabet. The IPA is an extremely vast system, comprising (at revision
in 2005) 107 letters (consonantsand vowels),
over 50 diacritics and
other signs indicating length, tone,
stress, and intonation of word/letter sounds. Given that the diacritics and
the other modifying signs may be used in various combinations with the
letters this produces potential for many thousands of different sounds. Places
of articulation explains where in the mouth and vocal tract these
sounds are produced. The image right is linked to a much clearer PDF of the International Phonetic Language (2005). The
png image and PDF chart are published here according to the following
reproduction permission:
(IPA Chart,
http://www.langsci.ucl.ac.uk/ipa/ipachart.html, available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License. Copyright © 2005
International Phonetic Association.)
irony/ironic - in language irony refers to the use of words which intentionally
contain a meaning or interpretation which is quite different, or opposite, to
the literal or apparent meaning of the words or statements themselves. Irony is
a difficult concept for some people to appreciate, partly because it entails quite
a deep understanding of context and attitude of the writer/speaker. Where irony
is interpreted 'at face value', or according to the initial apparent obvious
meaning, the reader/listener derives a false impression of meaning, which may
wrongly suggest that the writer/speaker and his/her communication is insulting
or foolish. Irony is similar to sarcasm, although covers a much
wider range of linguistic effects, which may act on a deeper and more extensive
level. For example the entire nature of a character, or plotline, or situation
in a story may be ironic, whereas the concept of sarcasm is essentially limited
to the tone of communications.
Also, irony may be used for various effects such as comedy, dramatization,
pathos, etc., whereas sarcasm tends to be used for quick humour, negative
observations, insults, denegration, and angry comment.
Janus word - an auto-antonym - i.e., one of two words with the same spelling but opposite meanings,
such as fast (firmly fixed and moving quickly). So called because the Janus,
Roman god of beginnings, transitions, gates, passages, etc., is traditionally
depicted with two faces, representing looking both to the future and past at
the same time. Janus, incidentally, is also the derivation of January, in the
sense of a beginning or doorway to the new year.
juncture - in linguistics a juncture is the manner in which two consecutive
syllables or words are connected (mainly audibly), so as to differentiate the
sounds of the words and thereby enable the entire meaning of the construction.
A juncture between syllables and words effectively avoids everything merging
into a continuous stream of meaningless sounds. The movement of juncture in
words and phrases sometimes produces alternative (amusing, clever, etc)
meanings, which effect is called an oronym.
juxtapose/juxtaposition - to juxtapose (two ideas, concepts, points, etc) means to put or
express two different or contrasting things together for emphatic or dramatic
effect. A juxtaposition is the result or act of doing this. For example, (the
image or description of) a homeless person begging on the street outside
Buckingham Palace would be a juxtaposition. The expression 'take it or leave
it' is a very simple juxtaposition. A juxtaposition commonly exaggerates or
produces a competing effect, where in reality the two 'competing' items may not
actually conflict with each other, or be a stark 'one or the other' choice. A
juxtaposition may be used for entertaining and uplifting purposes, as in
poetry, drama, movies, etc., or for more negative cynical manipulative
purposes, as in politics and marketing
Latin - the language of
ancient Rome and widely used still as a language of scholarship, astronomy,
administration, law, etc. Latin is one of the fundamental root languages of
European language development, specifically of the many 'Romance' languages,
notably including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and Romanian. Latin,
chiefly via French, had a significant influence in the development of the English language
The conventional English alphabet (along with those of the Romance languages)
is known as the Latinate alphabet, because its origins are in ancient Latin.
Many Latin terms survive in day-to-day English language, especially related to
business, technical definitions, law, science, etc.
latter - the last item in a list or the second
of two points. See former.
leet - leet, also known as
eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language
that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate (standard English writing) letters. The
leet word for leet is I337. Here is an extensive example ofleet-style language.
lexeme - the basic form of a word, without
alteration for verb tense or other inflection. Most words in
dictionaries tend to be lexemes. Examples of lexeme forms are run, smile, give,
boy, child, blond; whereas inflections of these lexemes include for example:
runs/ran/running/runner, smiles/smiled/smiling/smiley, gave/giver/given,
boys/boyish, children/childish, blonde/blondes/blonder.
ligature - in typographics and writing a
ligature is an unusually joined form of two letters or other typographical
characters, for example theampersand. 'Unusually' here refers
to a joint which is not typical in handwriting. Typographical folk do not
universally agree which jointed forms qualify technically as ligatures, for
example the forms æ and œ, which are regarded now by some as as single
vowels/symbols in their own right, rather than jointed as they historically
have been. Such a disqualification for these and similar double-letter forms
would incidentally also render the term diphthong inappropriate, given the definition of that term.
literal/literally - originally and technically literal/literally refers to the use of
language so that it (the expression or statement, etc) means exactly what the
words state, i.e., there is no exaggeration or metaphor or symbolization in the language, and therefore the words should be
taken as a clear and truthful expression of fact. In informal and recent use
however (late 1900s onwards), the term 'literally' is used widely (and arguably
very incorrectly) to express precisely the opposite, i.e., that the figure of speech concerned is figurative or symbolic or (commonly) highly exaggerated and far different from the
actual truth. For example: 'I told him literally millions of times ...' or 'He
was so angry that smoke was literally coming out of his ears...' This is an
example of 'incorrect' usage becoming 'correct' by virtue of popular usage. In
this respect the term is potentially highly confusing, since the term
'literally' may mean in common use either that something is completely factual
and true, or instead that something is highly exaggerated or distorted. The
listener/reader/audience must decide. Usually the statement itself, context,
situation and speaker/writer collectively indicate whether the term 'literally'
is used in its original technical sense (i.e., factual/actual) or its later wide
informal sense (i.e., symbolic/metaphorical/exaggerated). Statements such as:
'I was literally sweating buckets,' and 'I was literally climbing the walls in
agony,' are obviously metaphors and so are not technically 'literal' and
factual, whereas the statements: 'Our flight was delayed for literally a whole
day,' and 'I literally hung my head in shame,' could quite conceivably be
technically 'literal' and factual. The term 'literally' is perhaps prone to
confusion given the similar words 'literature' and 'literary', whose meaning
quite correctly encompasses symbolic and figurative writing (in books, poetry,
plays, etc). Whatever, the original technical meaning derives from the Latin
equivalent 'litteralis', in turn from litera, meaning 'letter of the alphabet'.
logo/logos -a Greek-originating word-part (morpheme), or prefix meaning 'word' and 'words', for example in the modern word logo (an
identifying symbol of a brand or corporation, etc).
-logue - shortened in US-English to log, logue is a suffix which denotes a type of discourse, i.e., a communication,
and often a series of spoken or written communications, for example as used in
catalogue, dialogue, monologue, prologue, analogue, etc. From Greek logos, word
or reason.
malapropism - the incorrect
substitution of a word by a similar-sounding word, usually in speech and with
amusing effect, often used as a comedic device in light-entertainment TV shows
and other comedy forms. The term derives from a character called Mrs Malaprop
in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's 1775 play called The Rivals, whose lines
frequently included such mistakes. Other writers, notably Shakespeare, earlier
made use of the technique without naming it as such. Lord Byron in 1814 is said
to have been the first to refer specifically to a malaprop as a mistaken word
substitution. The term is far less popularly called a Dogberryism, after the
watchman constable Dogberry character in Shakespeare's As You Like It, who
makes similar speech errors.
matronym - a name derived from a mother or female ancestor. From Latin mater,
mother. Also called a metronym. See also patronym.
meta- - an increasingly common prefix referring to the use of replacement or 'hidden' forms (words, language)
instead of what is normally visible or openly accessible. The increasing
frequency and popularity of the 'meta-' prefix in language is substantially due
to the computer age, by which so many forms of communications are coded, or
accompanied by hidden processes/date/etc. Meta is Greek for with/across/[named]
meta-message - the underlying or real or hidden meaning of a communication or
information/data/presentation, as distinct from the message initially taken and
most obviously seen in the communication. See meta prefix.
metaphor - a word or phrase which is used
symbolically to represent and/or emphasize another word or phrase, typically in
poetic or dramatic writing or speech, for example, 'his blood boiled with
anger', or 'his eyes were glued to the screen in concentration'. A metaphor is
similar to a simile, except that a simile uses
a word such as 'as' or 'like' so as to make a comparison, albeit potentially
highly exaggerated, whereas a metaphor is a literal statement which cannot
possibly be true. 'The criticism felt like he was drowning in a flood...' is a
simile, whereas, 'The criticism was a drowning flood...' is a metaphor. Meta is Greek for
with/across/[named] after, hence the Greek translation/derivation of metaphor,
metaphora, from metapherein, to transfer.
metasyntactic - a technical description referring to the use of replacement words in
language when for whatever reason the actual word(s) cannot be identified,
either through lack of time, care, knowledge, or permission, etc. See Meta prefix. And syntax. See also placeholder names.
meronym - simply a meronym means 'part of', for
example, a window is a meronym in relation to a house, and a hammer is a
meronym in relation to a toolkit. More specifically a meronym is a word
technically referring to a part of something but which is used to refer to the
whole thing, for example: 'All hands on deck' (in which 'hands' are a part of
each crew member yet the word is used, as a meronym, to refer to the crew
members), or 'Feet on the street' (in which 'feet' is a meronym for the people,
who are on the street'). From Greek meros, part, and onoma, name. Meronym is
the opposite of a holonym (a whole thing in relation to a part of the whole).
metonym - word/phrase used to represent the function with which it is associated
- similar to a metaphor - for example the term 'Number Ten' is a metonym for
the UK Prime Ministerial office and authority (by association with the address
of the office at 10 Downing Street). 'The bottle' is a metonym for alcohol;
'the Crown' is a metonym for the monarchy; 'Brussells is a metonym for the EU's
institutions; '(there will be) tears' is a metonym for (predicted) emotional
upset; 'Twickenham' is a metonym for the England Rugby Football Union; 'the
noose' and 'the chair' are metonyms for capital punishment; 'under the knife'
is a metonym for surgery; 'shut-eye' is a metonym for sleep, etc. From Greek,
metonumia, 'change of name'.
metronym - a name derived from a mother or female ancestor. More usually called a matronym. The expression 'Mother
Earth' is perhaps the most fundamental universal example of all. More narrowly,
any female child is given a metronym/matronym when named after a mother,
grandmother or other female in the ancestral line.
misnomer - an inaccurate or incorrect term, name or designation, especially when
established in popular or official use, although a misnomer may also be a
simple once-only error of referencing or naming something. There are many
different types/causes of misnomers. Some misomers originate first as correct
and accurate terminology but then become misnomers because the meaning of
language alters subsequently over many years. The 'ring' of a telephone is a
misnomer because telephones no longer contain bells. When people refer to
'pulling the 'chain' in referring to flushing a lavatory this is also a
misnomer because lavatories generally no longer have chain-pull mechanisms. The
Indian food 'Bombay duck' is a misnomer because it is actually a dried fish. A 'contradiction in terms' or oxymoron may also be a misnomer. Genericized trademarks are misnomers. Misunderstood scientific phenomena aften produce
misnomers, such as the term 'shooting star', which technically are meteors. So
too is 'thunderbolt' a misnomer, because it's actually a representation of a
lightning strike. The 'lead' of a pencil is a misnomer, because it is graphite.
When we suggest that someone will 'catch a cold' by not wearing enough clothes
in winter this is a misnomer because a cold is a virus and cannot be 'caught'
from or produced by cold weather. Many creatures are named as misnomers, due to
inferring a species by similarity of appearance, for example, a 'king crab' is
not a crab, a 'koala bear' is not a bear, and a 'prairie dog' is not a dog.
Changes in legal terminology can also produce misnomers, for example it is a
misnomer to refer to sparkling wine as 'champagne' when it does not come from
the Champagne region in France. The term 'football club' is a misnomer where in
most cases the 'club' is a commercial company. There are thousands more
misnomers in common use, and commonly people don't appreciate that the terms
are technically quite wrong. A misnomer should not be confused with a metaphor, which is an
intentionally symbolic term for dramatic effect.
mnemonic - a 'memory-aid' for a particular thing (rule, process, concept, theory,
etc., or task or mental note). Examples of types of mnemonics include acronyms (including 'bacronyms') stories, quotes, etc., or the old practice
of tying a knot in one's handkerchief (reminding the owner that he/she should
remember something). The word mnemonic is pronounced 'nemonic' and is commonly
misspelled ('numonic'). It's from Greek mnemon, mindful. The study of the
development and assistance of memory is called mnemonics or mnemotechnics. See
more about mnemonics in the business dictionary.
modal verb - an additional verb which expresses necessity or possibility from the
standpoint of the writer's/speaker's belief or attitude, namely the verbs:
must, shall, will, should, could, would, can, may, might.
modality - an aspect of language which expresses
necessity or possibility from the standpoint of the writer's/speaker's belief
or attitude. See alsomood.
modulation - in linguistics modulation refers to a change of pitch in the voice.
mondegreen - a misheard and wrongly interpreted word or phrase, from a
published or quoted passage of text (obviously heard not read), especially in
song lyrics, poetry, dramatic speech, etc. The effect is very close to, or may
actually be in some cases defined as, an oronym. There is some overlap also
with the notion of an egg corn (which equates to an intentional malapropism and pun hybrid). The term
mondegreen was suggested by US writer Sylvia Wright in a 1954 Harpers Magazine
article 'The Death of Lady Mondegreen', in which she referred to her own
long-standing mistaken interpretation: 'And Lady Mondegreen' instead of the
actual 'And laid him on the green' (being the last line of the first stanza
from the 17th-century Scottish ballad, 'The Bonny Earl O'Moray'). Mondegreens
commonly arise in song lyrics because the art form is one which ordinarily
contains lots of weird words and phrases anyway, and so the imagination
requires very little stretching to accept even quite ridiculous misinterpretations.
Popularly referenced mondegreens include the following (and amusingly the first
two examples are said to have been encouraged by the singers themselves who on
occasions intentionally sang the mondegreen instead of the correct lyrics
during live performances):
'There's a bathroom on the right,'
instead of 'There's a bad moon on the rise,' in Creedence Clearwater Revival's
'Bad Moon Rising'.
'Excuse me while I kiss this guy,'
instead of 'Excuse me while I kiss the sky,' in Jimi Hendrix's 'Purple Haze'.
'The ants are my friends,' instead of
'The answer my friend,' in Bob Dylan's 'Blowin' in the Wind'.
'I'm gonna f*** you,' instead of 'I'm
gonna suck you,' in the play-out of T-Rex's 'Jeepster' (although Marc Bolan was
arguably not attempting very hard to articulate an S instead of an F, and
cynics might suggest that the preceding and somewhat incongruous line 'Girl I'm
just a vampire for your love,' was merely a ploy to enable circumvention of the
radio and TV censors with a hardly-disguised intentional obscene modegreen).
monophthong - a single vowel
sound - compared with a diphthong and triphthong. A monophthong is also
called a pure vowel, because it is constant and involves no alteration in
voicing. See also diphthongization and monophthongization,
which is an extremely fundamental aspect of language development across the
human race.
mood - in grammar 'mood' refers to a feature of a verb which enables
differing expressions of possibility or necessity - called modality - which illustrated with examples of modal verbs.
mora - a somewhat
unscientific unit in phonology referring to and determining 'syllable weight' in words, which commonly
determines stress or timing. There seems no absolute quantification of a mora,
except that one mora is a short syllable and two or three 'morae' represent
proportionally longer syllables. The term monomoraic refers to a syllable of
one mora. Two morae is bimoraic. Three morae is trimoraic. The word mora is
from Latin mora, linger or delay.
morpheme - a part of a word which contains a single meaning or specific
linguistic purpose, including prefixes and suffixes, and which cannot be
divided, for example, single words such as 'to', 'is', 'in', 'on', etc.; verbs
such as 'go', 'come', 'take', 'find', etc; nouns such as 'love', 'bread',
'deed', etc; and elements which make up larger word constructions, for example
morpheme elements (separated by hyphens) in 'under-hand', or
'over-confident-ly', or 'un-flinch-ing-ly', etc. Morph means form in Greek. The
'eme' suffix derives from Greek phonema, meaning sound/speech, since morpheme
follows the same structure as the French-English word phoneme (a differentiating sound in a word).
neo- - a word prefix meaning new or revived (notably referring to concepts, ideologies, etc)
- from Greek neos, new.
neologism - a new word, or (technically, in psychiatry) a made-up word used by a
person or child - a neologism is often although not necessarily attributable to
a particular originator, and generally is a word very recently, or with the
potential to be, introduced/adopted into conventional language and dictionaries
(from Greek neos, new, and logos, speech). The word 'google' meaning to search
the web using the Google search engine is a type of neologism, based on eponymous principles. The word 'flup' (from 'full-up') is an example of a neologism resulting from contracted abbreviation, as is the
word 'pram' (a contracted abbreviation of the original word 'perambulator'). There
are many other sorts of neologisms, which are effectively different ways in
which new words evolve or become newly established.
-ness - a common suffix which typically turns an adjective, or adverb, and sometimes a noun,
into a noun which expresses a characteristic or state or measure of something.
Obvious examples are words like happiness, sweetness, goodness, darkness, etc.
In more modern times the 'ness' suffix is used to make new or made-up slang
words, particularly for a specific situation, some of which can be quite
amusing, or childish and silly, depending on your viewpoint, such as 'flatness
of beer is a problem for drinkers who like froth', or 'over-eating produces a
bigness of belly', or 'the workforce frequently suffered with
can't-be-botheredness'. The 'ness' suffix originated in old Germanic languages.
Other suffixes which achieve a similar effect are 'hood' (as in motherhood),
'th' (as in strength, from strong), and 'ity' (as in nudity).
neuter - in language neuter refers to a gender
which is neither male or female - from Latin, ne, not, and uter, either.
noun - a word which names (is used for) something or someone, and which is
not a pronoun. Variants are proper nouns, (a name of particular person or place, usually capitalized, e.g., John,
Mary, Earth, Africa, Japan, etc), and noun phrases, which . Nouns other than
variants are also called 'common nouns'. From Latin nomen, name.
noun phrase - equating functionally to a noun, a noun phrase is two or more words
which act as a noun, for example, 'leek and potato soup', or 'some green
paint'. A noun phrase may contain aother noun phrases, for example, 'a
two-litre pot of green paint', or the best days of our lives', or 'the shops
which were open for business during the storm'. A noun phrase may be a subject
or object or perform another nounal function in a sentence, for example, 'The
touring party from Spain visiting Iceland (noun phrase 'subject') - longed
(verb) to (preposition) go (verb) back (preposition) to (preposition) - their
homes in the warm sunny countryside (noun phrase 'object').'
object - in grammar an object is a noun or pronoun which is governed by a subject in a sentence, for example, 'the cat (subject) sat (verb) on
(preposition) the mat (object)', or 'he (subject) kissed (verb) her (object)'.
-ology/-logy - a suffix which
denotes a subject of study or interest.
onomatopoeia - a word or series of words which sounds like what it means or refers
to, for example 'bang', 'cuckoo', 'sizzle', 'skating skilfully on ice'.
Originally from Greek onoma, name, and poios, making.
-onym - the suffix 'onym' is very commonly featured in this glossary - it
refers to a type of name, and specifically it refers to a word which has a
relationship to another word. It is from the Greek word with the same meaning,
onumon, from onoma, name.
oronym - a word, or more usually two or more words, which, typically by
changing/moving the juncture (joint - pause or emphasis) between words/syllables, may produce audibly
a different expression or phrase and meaning. A commonly quoted example is the
phrase 'I scream', which by moving the joint may sound instead as 'ice cream',
and vice-versa. A well-known amusing example is 'four candles'/'fork handles'.
Oronyms enable amusing wordplay with people's names, such as 'Teresa
Green/Trees are green' and 'Ben Dover/Bend over', etc. The term oronym is said
to have been devised by writer Giles Brandreth in 1980, derived from oral,
meaning spoken rather than read/written, although the prefix 'oro' technically
and somewhat misleadingly implies association with the word mountain. Other
examples: Beanstalk/Beans talk; New direction/Nude erection, the ironicallyjuxtaposed Therapist/the rapist; and the famously rude Whale oil beef hooked/'Well
I'll be fooked'. Oronyms that are wrongly interpreted from heard song lyrics
and poetry, etc., may commonly also be referred to as mondegreens.
orthonym - the real name of someone or
something, opposite to a pseudonym.
oxymoron - a contradiction in terms, typically
contained in a very short phrase or expression, such as (and including some
very well-established expressions): accidentally on purpose, alone in a crowd,
bitter sweet, controlled chaos, deafening silence, open secret, sweet sorrow,
tough love, etc. Oxymorons may also be unintentional and result from confused
or rushed thinking/speaking.
palindrome - a word or phrase which reads the same backwards as forwards, for
example 'madam', 'nurses run', and 'never odd or even'. Palindromes tend to
become increasingly daft and nonsensical with greater length, for example, 'Was
it a car or a cat I saw?', or 'Eva, can I stab bats in a cave?', and 'Mr Owl
ate my metal worm', and 'Do geese see God?' Generally palindrome phrases do not
require that punctuation is reversible too. Palindrome may also refer to
reversible numbers, notably numerical dates, for example 31.3.13 (UK date
para- - a very popular and widely used prefix, meaning originally besides
or next to, and especially nowadays 'analogous to' (the word it prefixes), in the sense that something is different to but
similar to, like paramilitary or paramedic. From Greek para, meaning beside.
paradox - a phrase, statement, or situation
which contains seemingly irreconcilable or contradictory elements, and may actually be truthful or a fact, for example 'men and
women can't live without each other, yet cannot live with each other', or
'people smoke tobacco in full knowledge that it is harming them', or 'a big
fire burns out quicker than a little fire', or 'young men yearn to grow beards,
but men grow to hate shaving'. The word paradox is Latin, originally referring
in English (1500s) to a statement that opposed accepted opinion, from Greek
paradoxon, contrary opinion, from para, distinct from, and doxa, opinion.
paragraph - a connected and related series of sentences, traditionally signified
by an indented first line and/or an enlarged/decorated first letter, and/or a
numbered or bullet point, and a line-break at
the end of the last sentence. Modern styling increasingly does not feature the
first line indent. The term paragraph is often abbreviated by writers and
editors, etc., to 'para'. A paragraph may contain just one sentence or very many
sentences. This glossary contains entries which each may be termed a paragraph.
The word paragraph is from Greek para, beside, and graphos, written/writing.
paralipsis - a rhetorical technique whereby a (usually negative) feature is raised/exploited by
stating that it is not being so exploited. For example, 'I would not stoop so
low as to exploit his past infidelities..." It's the same as praeteritio. A common retort to a
speaker obviously using paralipsis, i.e., making a point while denying that the
point is being made, is to say, 'But you just did..'
paronomasia - refers to the use or effect of a pun - where a
double-meaning or 'double-entendre' of two same-spelling words, or similar word
sounds, produces amusing or clever or ironic effect - see pun examples.
paronym/paranym - a word which in relation to another word is from the same word root, and
which has similar or related meaning and also which usually sounds similar, or
a word which is derived from a foreign word and which retains similar meaning,
form and sound, for examples: kind and kindly; quiet and quiescent (both of
which derive from Latin quies, meaning being still or quiet). Para is Greek for
passage - a short extract or section of words,
spoken or in text form, typically anything in length from a single sentence
upwards to a number of paragraphs.
passive - in grammar, applying to a verb's diathesis/voice, passive (contrasting with
its opposite 'active') generally means that the subject experiences the action of the verb (by an object) - for example, 'Dinner
(object) was cooked (verb) by the chef (subject)' (passive voice/diathesis),
rather than active voice/diathesis: 'The chef (subject) cooked (verb) dinner'
(object), (active voice/diathesis).
pathos - a sad quality of language, especially
dramatic or poetic, typically intended by the writer/speaker to make the
reader/audience feel pity, sympathy, emotional, weepy, upset, etc. From Greek,
pathos, suffering.
patronym - a name derived from a father or other male ancestor, from Greek pater,
father. See also matronym.
person - in the context of grammar and
language 'person' refers to the classification/usage of pronouns, possessive determiners (who things/actions 'belong' to), and verb forms, according to whether
they indicate the first person (speaker/writer, i.e., 'I', 'me', 'us') or
second person (the 'addressee' or person being spoken/written to, i.e., 'you',
singular or plural), or third person (the 'third party', i.e., 'he', 'she',
'it', 'they'). When we write/speak in the 'first person' we write/say '...I (or
we) did or saw or gave or said, etc (this or that, whatever)', and we refer to
'me' and 'mine' or 'us' and 'ours'. When we write/speak in the 'second person'
we write/say '...you did or saw or gave or said, etc (this, that, whatever)', and
we refer to 'your' and 'yours'. When we write/speak in the 'third person' we
write/say '...it was or is, etc', or 'he/she was or is, etc', or 'they were or
are, etc'. The sense of 'person', and its effect on verbs, also extends to singularity and plurality, for example the
differentiation between 'I' and 'we' (respectively first person singular and
plural), and 'he/she/it' and 'they' (respectively third person singular and
plural). In English the word 'you' acts as both second person singular and
plural, although in many other languages these would be different words.
phonation - the specific aspect of linguistics which is concerned with the way
that sounds are 'voiced' using potentially extremely subtle control (or
entailing involuntary effects) of airflow and shape/flexing of bodily tissue in
the mouth area, notably vocal chords (vocal folds) and also (depending on
precise and alternative definitions) the related vocal body-parts, so as to
alter sounds of vowels, consonants and other vocal effects. Human beings have
dramatically wide-ranging control over the way they 'voice' word-sounds,
especially vowels, by controlling the vocal chords and larynx (voice-box), and
generally phonation refers to the study of this and the bodily processes
phoneme - any unit of sound in a language which
enables word sounds - (that's sounds, not spellings) - to be differentiated,
for example, simply the different letter sounds p and b (in differentiating
pull and bull), and c, g and j (in differentiating cut, gut and jut). The
subtleties of phonemic theory are not difficult to understand - they are simply
the individual sounds which make words sound different - although the detailed
explanation of these effects via text-based information is only possible using
quite complex phonetic symbols. The word phoneme is French, from Greek phonema,
meaning speech/sound. See also morpheme, which is a single
indivisible unit of linguistic meaning or purpose.
phonetics - the study/science of speech sounds. Phonetics particularly refers to
very detailed sounds of words and syllables, letters, vowels, consonants, etc.,
and other smaller vocalized effects which together form words and connections
between words. From Greek phone, meaning sound or voice.
phonology - an aspect of linguistics which entails the organization, use,
workings, etc., of sounds in languages. From Greek phone, meaning sound or
phrase - a somewhat vague and widely used term
which refers to a short passage of words, typically between three and five or six words in length, or
technically just one word upwards to (far more rarely, in theory) ten or a
dozen words, provided that that the meaning is limited to a single concept or
expression of some sort. A phrase is technically a single concept or notion: a
brief instruction, exclamation, statement, or question, and very commonly part
of a sentence. Phrases may be written
or spoken, and feature fundamentally in every sort of word-based communication.
If a passage of words can be split into more than one set of words which each
carries an independent 'stand-alone' conceptual meaning, and especially if the
passage is punctuated, then the combined passage is probably, theoretically,
bigger than a phrase, which is usually called a sentence or a clause. This sentence is an
example of a phrase. So is this one. Separated by this comma, this sentence
contains two phrases. Less technically however many people would describe the
previous sentence as a single phrase. The term is therefore potentially
ambiguous when applied to short punctuated sentences. In common use the term
phrase is frequently incorrectly applied to quite long passages or sentences,
or even short paragraphs. So clarification is required where the use of the
term 'phrase' has legal or other serious implications. A one word phrase is for
example, 'Go' or 'Stop' or 'Why?', etc. A two-word phrase is for example, 'No
smoking' or 'Keep calm' or 'Maybe tomorrow'. Technically, very long phrases are
difficult to conceive, other than long lists of single items. The word phrase
derives from Greek phrazein, to declare. See 'turn of phrase'.
phrase book - a common term for a particularly light and selective type of foreign
language translation dictionary, originally and specifically referring to a
small or pocket volume containing only common words and phrases that are
helpful for travellers/tourists, as distinct from a larger conventional
translation dictionary for students of the language concerned.
pilcrow - the typographical symbol ( ¶ ) for a paragraph, it is sometimes found in edited and
published texts, although usually exists purely as a typographical marking, and
also in computer code that is normally hidden, where usually it equates to a
'carriage return' (a typewriter action to begin a new line). The origins of the
pilcrow symbol and name are subject to different opinions - possibly from
French 'pelagraphe', paragraph, or more poetically, from 'pulled (plucked)
crow'. The symbol seems to have evolved from a C with a slash through it
denoting a chapter (Latin, capitulum), perhaps with other influences from old C
and slash marks given in manuscripts by scribes a very long time ago.
pitch - the quality of
vocal sound according to wavelength, i.e., the extent of high or low note range
in the sound of the voice. The term pitch has more recently developed also to
mean directing a talk or presentation at a particular audience, as both a verb
and noun, e.g., 'he pitched an idea' and a 'sales pitch'. Pitch may also refer
to the nature or quality of style or attitude of a communication.
placeholder name - a substitute word, (for example 'whatjamacallit', 'thingy', 'widget',
'thingamajig', 'oojamaflip', 'widget', 'gizmo', etc), commonly a 'nonsense' or
childish word, for anything or anyone which for whatever reason is not or
cannot be accurately named or remembered. The most popular examples according
to Google 'hits' by the end of the first decade of the 2000s were: widget,
hickey, gizmo, thingy, gimmick, thingie, jigger, gismo, gubbins, whatsit,
thingamajig, doodad, whachamacallit, whatchamacallit, doohickey, thingo,
thingamabob, thingummy, whatsis, dohickey, thingumajig, whatsaname,
thingumabob, whachacallit, whatchacallit, thingmabob, dojigger, thingmajig,
thingummyjig, kajigger, dooverlacky, doovalacky, doofer.. Technically the use
of a placeholder name is metasyntactic, and a placeholder name is a
metasyntactic variable, which is defined very well for linguistics in the terms
usual computing field as: "...A conventional variable name used for an
unspecified entity whose exact nature depends on context..."
places of articulation - also called 'points of articulation' this technical linguistics term
refers to the mouth-parts involved in articulation (the control of speech sounds, especially consonants, via airflow
through points of articulation, i.e., mouth/vocal organs/parts by which sounds
can be produced/altered). Linguistics theory generally lists about twenty
places/points of articulation in and close to the human mouth, many of which
involve the tongue position. Generally points 1-11 are considered passive
(don't move much and are acted upon) whereas points 12-20 are active (mostly
moving and acting on other parts). These are the typically stepped points
although there is actually a continuum of infinite points between each of these
main points, producing an infinite variety of sounds:
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- Exo-labial - upper lip
- Endo-labial - upper lip
- Dental - upper teeth
- Alveolar - gum just behind
- Post-alveolar - ridge
before roof
- Pre-palatal - front of
- Palatal - roof
- Velar - back of roof
- Uvular - hanging blob
- Pharyngeal - top of throat
- Glottal - windpipe entry
- Epiglottal - flap at
tongue-base and larynx entry
- Radical - tongue root
- Postero-dorsal - front
tongue body
- Antero-dorsal - back
tongue body
- Laminal - tongue-blade
- Apical - tongue tip
- Sub-apical - under-tongue
- Endo-labial - lower lip
- Exo-labial - lower lip
plagiarism - the act of copying someone's creative (usually written) work or idea
and claiming it as your own, more commonly known as 'passing off'. Plagiarism
is from Latin plagium, 'a kidnapping', in turn from the Greek word plagion for
the same. See also copyright.
plural - in language and grammar this contrasts with singular, and refers to there
being more than one (typically person/noun/pronoun) and the effect such
plurailty has on verb forms, and to a far lesser extent in English on
adjectives, although in other languages many or all adjectives vary according
to singularity or plurality.
poly- - a widely occurring prefix, meaning many or much, from
Greek polus, much, and polloi, many.
polysemy - the existence of many possible meanings for the same word or phrase
(from Greek poly, many, and sema, sign).
polysyllabic - this refers to a word of more than
two syllables, from Greek poly, many.
portmanteau/portmateau word - a word made from combining two words whose combination refers to the
sense or meaning of the new word - for example smog (from smoke and fog),
muppet (marionette and puppet), and brunch (from breakfast and lunch). There
are hundreds more examples, many of them very clever and amusing. The word
portmanteau is French and is a metaphorical reference to a 'portmanteau' double
sectioned case for carrying a cloak, from the separate French words porter (to
carry) and manteau (cloak) - see portmanteau in the cliches origins listing for more details of origin and examples.
praeteritio - drawing attention to something by saying that you will not
mention/exploit/be influenced by it, for example "...let us ignore the
fact that he spent time in prison..." or "...he is unsuitable for the
post for many reasons aside from considering his earlier bankruptcy
Praeteritio (pronounced 'praterishio') is speech-writing/speaking technique,
typically used cynically and negatively, sometimes humorously, for a critical
purpose against a political or business opponent
(individual/group/oganization). In political situations praeteritio can be a
very subtle method of inferring inferiority or incompetence in a competitor,
and at the same time implying negative conduct among other competitors, for
example, '...while other refer at length to his criminal past, I say his lack
of experience and qualification alone render him the wrong person for the
job...' The idiomatic '...not to mention...' is technically an introduction in
a praeteritious comment, although the expression is not generally regarded as
such in common speech. Praeteritio may also be used for positive aims, for
example, '...I am not claiming to be the best candidate by virtue of my
previous highly successful record - please forget this; I am the best candidate
because I have proven credentials, the best team, and our plans have the most
popular support..." Praeteritio has many equivalent terms: paralipsis/paralepsis,
preterition, cataphasis, antiphrasis, and parasiopesis. Paralipsis is probably
the most common of alternative term.
predicate - the part of a phrase or sentence which contains a verb and some
information about the subject.
preposition - prepositions are connecting positioning/relationship words like: in,
on, of, to, with, under, etc. A preposition expresses a relationship between
two other words or concepts, typically (but not always) appearing before a noun or pronoun object so as to position a preceding subjectnoun or pronoun and its
action (verb) in relation to the subject noun concerned, for example 'the cat
sat on the mat', ('on' is the preposition), or 'she climbed down the ladder',
('down' is the proposition), or 'she bought it for me', ('for' is the
preposition). Prepositions do not necessarily appear between subject and
object, for example in the phrases 'the world (object) we (subject) live (verb)
in (preposition)', or 'in (preposition) which world (object) we (subject) live
(verb)'. Historically conventional English rules asserted that a sentence
should not end with a preposition, for example, 'What did you go there for?',
although nowadays this is not generally thought to be incorrect grammar.
Examples of prepositions are: to, on, over, of, out, for, upon, in, with,
against, up, under, between, etc. The word derives from its logical meaning,
i.e. pre, before, and position, to place.
A preposition curiosity: Can you think
of a proper meaningful sentence that finishes with seven consecutive
prepositions?... Firstly the scene-setter: A mother goes downstairs to find a
book for her son's bedtime story. When she returns with a book about Australia,
her son says, "Why did you get a book to read out of about down under up
for?" (In this context 'down under' is technically a noun, but it's still
a clever and amusing word puzzle.)
prefix - a word-part that has been/is added to
the front of a word or word stem, such as 'pre' (meaning before, as in prefix
and prequalify), and 'mis' (meaning wrongly, such as misbehave, mistake, etc)
and 'anti' (meaning against, as in antifreeze, or
antidisestablishmentarianism), and 'homo' (meaning same, as in homogeneous,
homosexual, although confusingly 'Homo Sapien' is Latin, meaning literally 'man
wise'). See also suffix, which is a word-ending. In
recent years the prefixes 'i' and 'e' have become very widely seen prefixes in
referring to 'internet' and 'electronic', for example the Apple brands iPhone,
iTunes, etc., and the generic terms e-book, and email. Understanding prefixes
is helpful for interpreting the meaning of new words. For example see poly-, and hyper-/hypo-.
pronoun - a word which acts instead of a noun -
for example, you, me, it, this, that, etc. From Latin pro, 'for, on behalf of',
and noun.
proper noun - a name (i.e., noun) for a particular person or
place or other entity, such as a brandname or corporation, which usually
warrants a capitalized first letter, for example, Rome
Caesar, Jesus, Scrabble, Texaco, etc.
proto- - a prefix meaning first, as in prototype, from Greek protos, first.
pseudepigrapha/pseudepigraph - literary or written works which claim to have been created by a
notable author, but which are basically fake, much like an artwork painted in
the style of a famous artist including a forged signature.
pseudo- a prefix, referring to a false or
artificial version of something, from Greek pseudes, false. The pseudo prefix
is commonly added to all sorts of terms to refer to a fake or imitation,
especially something normally quite serious and well-qualified, for example,
pseudo-science, or pseudo-intellectual.
pseudonym - an alternative name for a person or group, thing, etc., adopted
usually to avoid using/revealing the true name and for marketing/image purposes,
or given by others for various reasons because the pseudonym name is considered
more appropriate, or simply that it is easier to pronounce and remember, or
translates better internationally. Pseudonyms are most commonly associated with
authors/writers (for which they are called pen names), but pseudonyms can
instead be stage names or screen names (of actors), aliases (also expressed as
'aka' = 'also known as' - often associated with criminals), nicknames
(particularly that are widely used and recognized), usernames, names of titled
people or officials, monarchs, and popes, etc. Examples of pseudonyms are: John
le Carré, George Orwell, Joseph Conrad, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, Pope Francis
I, C S Forester, John Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Ellery Queen (actually two authors
using a single pseudonym), Elizabeth R, Pelé, George Eliot (actually a woman
using a male pseudonym), Scary Spice, Ayn Rand, etc. There are thousands of
them. A true name is called a orthonym. Pseudonym is from Greek
pseudes, meaning false.
pun - also called paranomasia, a pun refers to a double-meaning, where a
word is used instead of another more obviously contextual word which has very
similar or the same sound, and may or may not have different spelling, and
which has different yet related meaning. The famous quote 'Time flies like and
arrow; fruit flies like a banana' features the pun on the word 'flies'. The
quote 'A broken window is a pain' features the pun of 'pain' with window
'pane'. Puns may also feature more than one word as the substitute and/or
substituted words, for example 'If a leopard could cook would he ever change
his pots?' where 'his pots' is punned with 'his spots'. Puns may also entail
phrases too, for example 'Cadaver industry regulation - bodies are weak and
lack teeth' where 'bodies are weak and lack teeth' refers both to decaying
corpses and also to regulatory bodies lacking power and authority. Here are
more examples of clever and amusing puns.
punctuation - marks in writing, such as commas,
full-stops (periods), question marks, etc., which indicate separations, pauses,
emphasis, status, mood, ownership, etc., and which overall guide the
reader/speaker as to flow, meaning, context, etc., of the text concerned.
Punctuation differs fromdiacritical marks, which indicate
letter/word-sound pronunciation. Here are the main examples of punctuation and
some other marks which have a punctuating or similar effect in language:
Ends a
sentence, a significant pause before resuming next sentence.
Ends a
phrase, slight pause, connects phrases or listed items.
Ends a
phrase, a longer pause than a comma, shorter than a period.
a list or example or quote or other referenced item, with a pause equating to
a semi-colon.
or demands an answer or consideration at the end of a phrase.
Adds emphasis at
the end of a phrase. Denotes loud speech or surprise or indignation.
- or —
hyphenated words or prefixes or suffixes;
an alternative to brackets surrounding a phrase; an alternative to a comma or
semicolon; and alternative to the word 'to' in dates and times, etc.
' or ’
ownership, missing letters, or alternative to speech marks. Slanted style is
traditional and older.
" or “ ”
and denote speech or quote or extracted content. Slanted style is older
traditional design, sometimes called 66 99, the designs are respectively
called 'open quotes' and 'close quotes'.
and indent
Not a
punctuation symbol, but still punctuation, for breaking separate passages, a
longer pause than a period. The first line of the new paragraph is usually
( ) [ ]
and denote relevant or helpful supplementary or incidental information, which
is usually not crucial to main point.
ditto mark
or - " -
in columns and lists signifying ditto, i.e., 'same as above'.
for 'or'; alternative for 'and' (in a combined sense); denotes abbreviation
of a two-letter term (e.g., w/e for weekend or week ending); internet address
file/directory separator; indicator of line-break in typographical mark-up
instruction/notes; signifies 'divided by' in mathematics; and various others.
Also called solidus, stroke, forward slash and more - it's a very useful and
powerful symbol.
less common in typography and
writing, but increasingly common in computerized communications, notably in
file and directory separators.
_ or
emphasis to underlined passage. Single underscore symbol is used as
alternative to hyphen to make continuous unbroken filenames and other
electronic data.
* or **
that a related note appears later in text, which is also marked by an
asterisk. Where the technique is soon repeated two asterisks are used, and so
on, to avoid confusion. Asterisks are also used as replacement letters in
offensive words by some publications.
guillemets/angle quotes/French quotes
« »
and denote speech or quote in some non-English foreign languages, as
alternative speech marks. Named after french printer Guillaume Le Bé
reduplication - in language, reduplication refers to the repeating of a syllable or
sound, or a similar sound, to produce a word or phrase. For example,
mumbo-jumbo, higgledy-piggledy, helter-skelter, reet-petite, easy-peasy,
maybe-baby, bananarama, tuti-fruiti, see-saw, curly-wurly, scooby-doo,
looby-loo, hurly-burly, pac-a-mac, touchy-feely, in it to win it, etc.
Unavoidably all examples of reduplication are also examples ofalliteration, although many
examples of alliteration are not reduplication. Reduplication generally entails
the repeating of larger word-sections than alliteration.
rhetoric - writing or speech for persuasive or impactful effect. Typical users of
rhetoric are salespeople, politicians, leaders, teachers, etc. The term
'rhetorical question' means a question designed to produce an effect -
typically to make a statement or point - rather than seeking an answer or
information. The word is from ancient Greek, rhetor, an orator or teacher of
persuasive effective speaking.
rights-holder - the owner of legal rights (i.e.,
control, usually by virtue of creation and/or ownership) such as copyright or
other intellectual property.
rubric - a document heading or a set of
instructions or rules, or a statement of purpose. Rubric generally refers to
headings/rules contained in formal documents, for example in examination
papers, or processes stipulated by an authority of some sort, for example the
instructions on a parking penalty ticket, or on licensing applications. The
origins of the word are fascinating, from Roman Latin in which 'rubeus' meant red,
and 'rubrica terra' referred to the 'red earth' and its derivative material
used to make an early form of ink. Roman practice was to use red ink for laws
and rules, which established the association between red 'rubrica' ink and
formal written instructions.
sarcasm - cynical or sceptical understatement, overstatement, statement of the
obvious, exaggeration, or irony used for negative effect, for example to mock, criticize, ridicule,
patronize, insult, or make fun of someone or something. Sarcasm may be
characterized by the tone of voice more than the
words themselves. Context is genarally crucial to appreciate sarcasm.
semantic/semantics - semantic refers to the meaning of language, or less typically the
meaning of logic. The word is commonly used to clarify that a disagreement
might be semantic, or a matter of semantics (interpretation of the meaning of
words used to frame the argument), rather than a true disagreement about the
matter itself. For example it can be difficult to agree training methods with
another person, until semantic agreement is first established about the word
'training', i.e., whether 'training' refers to skills, knowledge, attitude,
sentence - a string of words which is contains
(as a minimum) a complete and grammatically correct statement, question,
command, etc., typically including a predicate and subject, for example (and a very
short one): "I ate." (In this extremely short example, 'I' is the
subject, and 'ate' informs the reader/listener about the subject. A longer
example of a sentence, entailing lots of punctuation, is: "We ate a
meal at a restaurant, of fish landed in the local port, and vegetables grown in
the restaurant garden - all washed down by wine produced in a nearby vineyard;
made especially memorable by the wonderful music, hospitaility, and attention
of our hosts."
singular - in language and grammar this contrasts with plural, and refers to there being
only one (typically person/noun/pronoun) and the effect such
singularity has on verb forms, and to a far lesser extent in English on
adjectives, although in other languages many or all adjectives vary according
to singularity or plurality.
simile - a descriptive technique in writing,
speaking, communicating, etc., by which something is compared symbolically to
something else of more dramatic effect or imagery, for example, 'cold as ice',
'quiet as a mouse', 'tough as old boots', etc. The word 'as' is common in
similes, or often a simile is constructed using the word 'like', for example,
'the snow fell like tiny silver stars', or 'he ordered food from the menu like
he had not eaten for a month'. A simile is similar to a metaphor, except that a simile
uses a word such as 'as' or 'like' so as to make it a comparison, albeit
potentially highly exaggerated, whereas a metaphor is a literal statement which
cannot possibly be true. 'He fought like a lion' is a simile, whereas 'He was a
lion fighting' is a metaphor. The word simile is from Latin similis, like.
slang - informal language,
typically understood by a group of people and not necessarily understood well
or at all by others outside of the group, primarily used in speech; far less
commonly written. Examples are individual slang words, and entire 'coded'
languages, such as backslang andcockney rhyming slang.
sheva/shva - a phonetically neutral short vowel sound, for example at the end of
the word 'sofa' - rather like a very short 'eh' or 'ah' - this is the same as a
schwa or sh'wa - all are originally from the Hebrew language.
snake_case - compound words joined by underscores, which has become popular in
computer text due to the benefits of avoiding gaps in filenames, domain names
and URLs (website/webpage addresses), etc. See also CamelCase - no spaces, differentiation via capitals - camel alludes to humpy
spoonerism - an accidental or intended inversion or exchange of word sounds between
two words which produces two new words which may or may not be intelligible,
and which is usually thought amusing. A long-standing example is that of
"...a cat popping on its draws..." (instead of 'dropping on its
paws'). The effect is named after Reverend William Archibald Spooner
(1844-1930), a warden of New College, Oxford, who has long been said prone to
the error. A spoonerism is apparently also known (very rarely) as a marrowsky,
supposedly after a Polish count, reputed to be similarly afflicted. See more
detail of origins and examples of funny spoonerisms in the cliches and word origins listing.
stem - the stem of word - a 'word-stem' - is
the main part or root of a word to which other parts such as a prefix and/or
suffix are added. For an extreme example, the stem of the word
'antidisestablishmentarianism' is 'establish'.
stress - in detailed linguistics, and especially phonetics, stress equates to the
emphasis given to a syllable or syllables or other speech sounds within a word
or words to determine or alter pronunciation, or control other audible effect
of a word. Separately and more generally, stress in language has an additional
meaning, referring to placing emphasis on a particular word or phrase, as would
be shown by emboldening or capitalizing the stressed sections of a passage of
subject - in grammar a subject is a noun or pronoun which governs (does something to or in relation to) an object in a sentence, for example, 'the lion (subject) chased (verb) the zebra
(object)', or 'we (subject) crossed (verb) over (preposition) the road
suffix - a word-ending, which may have a
word-meaning in its own right, but more commonly does not, and is commonly from
Latin or Greek, and acts as a combination-part in building words and their
meaning. There are many thousands of examples of suffixes, and almost
unavoidably virtually any word of more than one syllable contains a suffix, and
very many words of a single syllable contain a suffix too. Many suffixes alter
the sense or tense of a word, for example, the simple 's' suffix is used in
English to denote plural. The 'x' suffix denotes a plural in many
French-English words. The 'ness' suffix (origin old Germanic)
refers to the state or a measure of a (typically adjective) term enabling it to
be expressed as a feature or characteristic, for example, boldness, happiness,
rudeness, etc. The suffix tomy refers to many
surgical processes. The suffix 'ation' is very common - it turns a verb into a
noun, (for example examination, explanation, and the recently popular among
financial markets commentators, 'perturbation'). The 'age' suffix is another which
develops a word to express a measurable degree. Not surprisingly the suffix 'onym' features perhaps more
commonly in this glossary than you will ever encounter it elsewhere, because it
means a type of name, and specifically a word which has a relationship to
another. Very many words, formed as combinations or contractions of two words, entail the use of the first word as a prefix, and the second word as a
suffix, for example obvious combination words such as breakfast, cupboard,
forehead, railway, television, aeroplane, saucepan, etc., and less obvious
combination words like window, and many thousands more.
See also prefix, which is a morpheme or larger word-part acting as a word-beginning.
syllable - a single unit of pronunciation
typically comprising a vowel sound without or with one or two consonants - perhaps best illustrated by examples of single-syllable words: and,
to, in, of, we, us, but, grab, grabbed, yacht, reach, reached, strings, etc.,
and two-syllable words such as: baby, table, angry, frightened, tangled,
enraged, etc., and three-syllable words such as: holiday, enemy, ebony. As you
can see the number of letters and word-parts (morphemes) does not determine the
number of syllables. For example the word 'antidisestablishmentarianism' has
eleven syllables and only 28 letters. The following words each have ten letters
yet only one syllable: scraunched (the sound of walking on gravel); schmaltzed
(imparted sentimentality); scroonched (squeezed), schrootched (crouched), and
strengthed (an old variant of strengthened). The word syllable is from Greek
sullabe, from sun, together, and lambanein, take.
syllogism - a proposition in which a conclusion or 'fact' is inferred from two or
more related 'facts'. For example: Big cats are dangerous; a lion is a big cat;
(therefore) lions are dangerous. Or: Diamonds are precious gems; precious gems are
sometimes stolen; (therefore) diamonds are sometimes stolen. A syllogism may
comprise more than two 'facts' which together support the conclusion, for
example: A mouse is bigger than a fly; a cat is bigger than a mouse; a horse is
bigger than a cat; an elephant is bigger than a horse; (therefore) an elephant
is bigger than a fly (and so is a horse and a cat).
synonym - a word or phrase which means the same
as or equates to another, for example, high and tall, or round and circular, or
a word or phrase which is used to represent, characterize, or allude to
another, for example, 'the swinging 60s' synonymously refers to the optimism
and liberated lifestyle of that time, and the term 'nuts and bolts' is used a
synonym for technical details of a project or plan (from Greek sunonumon, from
sun, with and onuma, name). See also antonym, a word which means the
opposite of another.
syntax - syntax refers technically to how words and phrases are structured to
form sentences and statements, and more generally to the study of language
structure. The word is very logically derived from from Greek, suntaksis, from
sun, together, taksis, arrangement, from tasso, I arrange.
synedoche - a word or possibly short phrase which refers to a people or things in
a figurative sense, based on a significant component or effect found in the thing it
represents, for example referring to sailors as 'hands', or cowboys as 'guns',
or group members as 'heads, or lookouts as 'eyes and ears'.
tautology - this has two main meanings - first and simplest, (sometimes called the
semantic meaning) a tautology is a statement in which a point or description is
repeated using different wording, usually considered grammatically incorrect
(not factually incorrect), or at best clumsy and an inefficient use of
language, for example: "They arrived together at the same time...",
or "An empty void...", or the very common, "At this moment in
time..", or "The incredible achievement defied belief...", or
"The eggs and milk were combined together..." . Usually the words
'and' and 'also' next to each other in a statement produce a very simple
tautology (because 'also' and 'and' mean the same and so together represent an
unnecessary repeat of the same thing). Where the repeat (tautology) is for
stylistic or dramatic effect, for example: "The last, final breath...",
the tautology is more acceptable and may not be considered poor grammar. A
tautology used for dramatic effect is similar to hendiadys. Second, (in a more
theoretical or scientific context, sometimes called the logical or rhetorical
tautology) a tautology is a lot more complex and potentially so difficult to
explain that people may resort to using algebraic equations. A simple example
is a statement containing a claim whose validity is dependent on repeating the
same point within the statement, or expressed another way, is a statement which
is valid by virtue of the claims or assumptions within it, for example,
"Civilizations have always sought to gather and protect gold because it is
so valuable and desirable...". (We can neither argue with this, nor prove
it beyond the limits of its own assumptions.) There are more complex
mathematical and scientific interpretations of a tautology than can be explained
here in this glossary, because this glossary is mainly concerned with grammar
and day-to-day communications rather than scientific applications - and also
because the complicated interpretations completely baffle me, as well as most
other people aside from mathematicians). Whatever, tautologies at a simple
level are particularly fascinating because they are used (and accepted without
question by most audiences) extremely frequently in political statements and
media commentaries. Tautologies are commonly used to persuade others by weight
of argument, rather than substance. Perhaps the biggest example of a persuasive
tautology, even at the very highest level of leadership and government is,
"Our decisions and actions were correct because it was the right thing to
do... ". Next time you hear this you will recognize it as a tautology, and
if you hear it appended with the qualifying "...and god will be my
judge...", then be very worried indeed; the speaker is simply saying:
"I'm right because I say I am."
tautonym - originally this meant and still
mainly refers to a biological taxonomical name in which the same word is used for the genus and species, for
example Vulpes vulpes, (the red fox). In language/linguistics a tautonym
generally and informally refers to a reduplicative word, containing two identical parts, or such as bye-bye, or bon-bon.
taxonomy - a structural organization of
classifications, almost always hierarchical, like a family tree, with levels of
categories/classes, each comprising sub-sets, in turn comprising sub-sets. The
concept of taxonomies primarily developed in biology but now can be found in
classifications of virtually anything, for example Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains.
tense - in grammar the term 'tense' refers to the form of a verb which
indicates when in time the action happened, or an aspect of the
continuity/completion of the act, in relation to the action itself and also the
time at which the action/happening is spoken or written about. The three main
common tenses are: past tense ('I went'), present tense ('I go') and future
tense ('I will go'). Some tenses are extremely complex, for example: 'I was to
have been going'. Answers on a postcard please as to what that tense might be.
the - the word 'the' is technically/grammatically 'the definite article',
for example 'The bird fell out of the sky', or 'The muddy children need
bathing'. It's called 'the definite article' because it specifies a definite
thing/person, that is known or can be identified from the context. This is
different to 'the indefinite article' (a or an), which makes a non-specific or
general reference to something.
-tomy - tomy is a common suffix, occasionally seen in
language terminology (e.g., dichotomy), where it alludes to a
process or situation requiring resolution, although the tomy suffix is far more
often seen in medical procedure terminology (vasectomy, lobotomy, etc); it's
from Greek tommia, cutting.
tone - in language tone
refers generally to the quality of the voice and vocal sounds in terms of pitch, strength, and other
qualities of sound and style or mood, for example 'an angry tone of voice' or
'a harsh tone of voice' or 'he spoke in hushed tones'. Tone of language may
refer to qualities of sound, feeling, attitude, volume, pace, and virtually any
other quality that might be imagined for verbal, or indeed written or printed
communications too. Broadly when referring to communications, tone equates to
the nature or type or description of the language and how the meaning is
trademark - a registered and protected name (or logo) of a product, brand or
organization, usually signified by the TM abbreviation. The trademark
word/concept is not technically a grammatical or linguistics term but
trademarks are often very significant in language and language development,
notably when a trademark becomes 'genericized'. A generic trademark, also known
as a genericized trademark or proprietary eponym, is a trademark or brand name that has become the generic name for, or synonymous with, a general class of product or service,
against the usual intentions of the trademark's holder. Using a genericized
trademark to refer to the general form of what that trademark represents is a
form of metonymy.
trichotomy - a three-part classification, notably found in the form of rules, laws,
models, processes, etc. For example ; the Parent/Adult/Child in Transactional Analysis; the Visual/Audio/Kinaesthetic in the VAK Learning
model; and the traditional concept of communicatingFeatures/Advantages/Benefits in selling and sales training.
There are several thousand other trichotomous rules, laws, principles, etc.,
and they are found in any discipline or subject that you can imagine.
triphthong - a monosyllabic vowel sound (not a single vowel) which effectively
contains or moves through three different discernible vowel sound qualities.
It's from Greek 'triphthongos', meaning 'with three sounds/tones'. See also diphthong, which generally refers
to there being two different sounds in one vowel-sound syllable. Monophthong refers to a single pure vowel syllable sound.
trisyllable - a word or (technically in poetry) a line of poetry containing three
trope - a trope is a word or phrase that is substituted metaphorically or
symbolically to create an expression of some sort. For example, the expression
'Earn a crust' uses the word 'crust' as a trope. The expression 'It's raining
cats and dogs' uses the phrase 'cats and dogs' as a trope. To say that someone
has a 'razor wit' uses the word 'razor' as a trope. From Greek, tropos, meaning
turn or way.
turn of phrase - an old expression
referring to a particular way of using (usually spoken) language which is
quirky, coarse, amusing, clever, or otherwise unusual. The term is generally applied
to a known/named person; far less commonly to a group. Often the term is used euphemistically andironically, for instance in
referring to a person's use of rude, 'non-pc', or offensive words, for
example, "He has an interesting turn of phrase". The term may also be
used literally, for example, "She has an sharp/clever/amusing turn of
phrase," when referring to someone whose speech/writing includes such a
typo - a slang abbreviation derived from the
full meaning 'typographical error/mistake', used by writers, publishers and
printers, originally referring to a mistake (typically spelling or punctuation)
in the typesetting stage of publishing, as distinct from a writer's error of
fact/spelling. The slang term is nowadays used more widely in referring to a
'keyboard' mistake by writers of all sorts, and by agencies involved in
printing and media, as distinct from an error due to a writer's poor spelling
or inaccurate facts. Originally the process of publishing involved clearly
separated stages of writing/origination, then typesetting (at which printing
plates were made), then printing. Sometimes errors of interpretation or
inaccuracy occurred at the typesetting stage, which might or might not be
noticed before printing. Such errors were called typos, and the term has
survived and thrived into modern times. The technological development of
publishing now enables writers and editors to control final output far more
reliably and directly, so the 'typo' expression now mostly refers simply to a
writer's keyboard error.
typographics/typography - the study or art of designing and producing letters and other symbols
(glyphs) used in printing and other
textual reproduction, excluding handwriting. The word 'type' refers to the
traditional lead letter-blocks used in traditional typesetting and printing.
The word typographics derives from Greek type, meaning form, and graphos, writing.
typeface - an old traditional word for what is
nowadays called a font, or more technically and
traditionally a font family. Historically a typeface referred more to a font
family, comprising slightly varying styles of lettering and other glyphs all
based around a main design.
verb - traditionally children are taught that a verb is 'a doing word', which
is a good definition. We might extend it to 'a doing or happening word'. More
technically a verb is the 'predicate' (this describes what is happening to the
subject) in a phrase or sentence. Most statements comprise as a minium: a
subject (which is doing something, often acting on or affecting or experiencing
the effect of an object), an object (something which is being acted upon or
affected by or affecting a subject), and a verb (which describes the action or
affect). For example: The cat (subject) sat (verb) on the mat (object). It is very difficult to
compose a meaningful sentence without a verb. Some of the shortest sentences
contain just a subject and a verb, for example: 'He wept'. 'He' is the subject,
'wept' is the verb, and there is no object. The sentence 'It rained' contains
the subject 'it' and a verb 'rained' ('it' is a pronoun and technically a substitute for something implied such as 'the weather'
or 'at that time' or 'at that location'). The sentence 'I was happy' contains
'I' (subject), 'was' (verb) and 'happy' (adjective describing the subject). The sentence 'I ran quickly' contains 'I'
(subject), 'ran' (verb), and 'quickly' (adverb describing the verb). The word 'verb' is Latin, from 'verbum', meaning
'verb', and originally 'word'. A significant aspect of a verb in use is its 'voice' or diathesis, which refers to whether
the verb is acting actively (the subject is doing something to the object) or passively (the object is having something done to it by the subject).
verbal - the word verbal mainly means 'consisting of words' but commonly
particularly refers to spoken words, such as a 'verbal warning' (as distinct
from a written one). Technically verbal may also refer to something related to
a verb, such as verbal meaning or verbal application (for example of a word
which could be regarded as a noun or other form of grammar, such as 'The word
plant may be used in a verbal sense, as well as referring to flower, which is a
verbatim - an English term from Latin, meaning 'word for word', used when
referring to quoting or recounting previous communications of some sort. It's
from Latin verbum, meaning word.
verb phrase - there are several slightly different complex technical explanations
for this, so it's easier to consider the definition as all the parts of a
(subject-verb-object) statement without the subject, for example, in the
statement 'Peter went to the office', the verb phrase is 'went to the office'.
In the statement 'The children played noisily in the garden', the verb phrase
is 'played noisily in the garden'. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a verb
phrase as: '...a verb with another word or words indicating the verb's tense, mood or person (tense being past, present, future, etc; mood relating tomodality, being the
speaker's/writer's sense of certainty, possibility, necessity, etc; and person
referring to first, second or third, as in I, you, he, etc.)
vernacular - the language and/or dialect of the ordinary people of a particular region or area, or the language
of a group of people formed around a purpose or discipline or other interest.
Vernacular may refer to sounds (accents) and/or to words and/or
the construction of language, spoken or written. Vernacular may also refer to
one's native or mother tongue. Vernacular is a noun, although it seems like an
adjective. The word derives from Latin vernaculus, 'native' or 'domestic',
interestingly ultimately from verna, a 'home-born slave'.
voice - also called diathesis - in English grammar this refers to whether a verb, including its
related construction, is active or passive; for example 'the teacher taught the
class' is an active voice/diathesis, whereas 'the class was taught by the
teacher' is a passive voice/diathesis. Some other languages offer a 'middle
voice' which is neither active nor passive. In communicating sensitively it is
often helpful to consider whether active or passive voice is best for the
situation, considering also the verb and context. Commonly passive
voice/diathesis of verb constructions are less likely to offend or unsettle
people, however for certain verbs/situations the opposite may be true. See diathesis and active and passive for more detailed explanation and examples.
vowel - a letter or speech
sound in language produced by an open vocal tract, involving little or no
friction or restriction of the sound through the mouth or airway. Speech
basically comprises vowels and consonants, consonants being
letters/sounds involving restriction or friction of sound. Vowels generally
form the basis or core of syllable. Vowels in English are commonly regarded as
the letters a e i o u, although many more sounds are also vowels, such as those
made by the letters ee, oo, oy, y (as an 'ee' or 'i' sound), etc. Definition of
'vowel' therefore varies. The letters a e i o u are generally considered to be
the pure vowels, in terms of differentiating vowels from consonants in the
English alphabet, although beyond this narrow context 'y' is certainly be
regarded as a vowel sound represented by a single letter.
vowel shift - a change in the sound of vowel pronunciation, typically when describing
language of a group and its change over time, for example the 'Great Vowel
Shift' which introduced longer vowel sounds to the modern age, shifting the
style from the shorter vowel sounds of the middle ages. We might also refer to
vowel shift in the context of a change in dialect when someone lives for a while in a different region with different
vowel sounds in local language.
vox - Latin for voice,
appearing in English notably in the expression 'vox pop'.
vox pop - 'vox pop' means popular opinion, from 1500s Latin 'vox populii' (voice
of the people), typically gleaned from and referring specifically to quick
street interviews by radio/TV broadcasters of members of the public, termed in
the media as a 'man on the street interview', often pluralized to 'vox pops'.
Cynics might reasonably suggest that substantial and increasingly large
proportions of 'news' and 'current afairs' broadcasting comprise completely
meaningless and thoughtless vox pops, presented as if it were all objective and
wise comment on the subject concerned.
word - a single unit of
speech or writing. Beyond this simple definition, the word 'word' is a
fascinating concept to define, and is open to considerable debate. The modern
Oxford English Dictionary gives these two basic definitions for the essential
grammatical meaning of 'word': "... a single distinct meaningful element
of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence
and typically shown with space on either side when written or printed."
[or separately] "...a single distinct conceptual unit of language,
comprising inflected and variant forms." There are other official
dictionary definitions of the word 'word' when used in different contexts, for
example in usage such as: 'word on the street' (in which 'word' refers to
gossip and discussion, etc); 'don't believe a word of it' (in which 'a word'
refers to all discussion including the smallest element such as a single letter
or number); 'give me your word' (in which word equates to a promise or
agreement); 'just say the word' (in which word means go-ahead or permission or
command); and verb forms such as in 'the best way to word a letter' (in which
word means write or style). Traditionally printed book dictionaries were
considered the arbiters of words, so that only 'words' which were listed and
defined in printed book dictionaries were 'proper words'. In more enlightened
times however dictionaries have increasingly become regarded as records and
collections of words which are in popular use in day-to-day conversation and
various writing by people - despite what dictionaries contain. This is to say
that words change and evolve and appear in actual real language far sooner than
they do in dictionaries. Dictionaries of course record and organize words that
are in use, but they do not dictate or design new words. Ordinary people do
zeugma - where a word applies to two different things in the same sentence,
typically with confusing, incongruous or amusing effect. Lord Byron is noted
for his amusing use of zeugma, for example the wonderful line in his epic poem
Don Juan, "Seville is a pleasant city, famous for oranges and